Chapter 15

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As the months passed by, Mark and Lexie found themselves developing a routine that would fit none but them. Initially, they tried hard to make time for each other outside of work. But conflicting schedules caused them to become like two ships passing in the night, only coming together in the wee hours of the morning for a quick round of sex and then sleep curled up together. This lasted for two weeks when Lexie put her foot down.

"I have had it!" She yelled, slamming her bag down on the floor by her bedside table. Their apartment was fully furnished now, with furniture and knickknacks in every room.

Mark shot up from the bed, where he had fallen asleep while trying to read a magazine and stay up to see Lexie. "What the hell?" He asked, his voice scratchy from sleep.

"I can't take this anymore," Lexie said. "We never see each other."

Mark rubbed his hand over his face. "It's just because you are an intern. Things will change in a few months."

"I can't wait that long," Lexie moaned. She sat down on the bed, her shoulders slumping. "I want to spend time with you, Mark. Our lives should never be so crazy that we don't have time for each other." She started to cry. "What if you forget about me?"

Mark chuckled and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "That could never happen, Lexie Grey. You're my hot intern, remember?" He then whispered, "You're also the woman I love. Forgetting about you? Not gonna happen."

"Still," Lexie said. "Something has to give, Mark."

Mark kissed her, and then the next day he went in to see Richard with her. Politely, he asked if the Chief would let them have the same days off so that they could continue to "keep their relationship out of the hospital". His voice seemed deferring, but Richard narrowed his eyes anyway.

"You two," He said, looking at them like a suspicious father, "I have been watching you two…making sure any and all funny business stays out of my hospital. So far, I must admit, I have been impressed."

Mark and Lexie smiled at each other.

"But," Richard said emphatically, "If I am supposed to pretend I don't know what is going on with the two of you, there sure as hell better be nothing for me to know about. I don't want you two in my office again for anything about your…situation. I will let the Chief Resident know about the special situation, Dr. Grey, and Dr. Sloan you are free to start making your own schedule."

Lexie looked at the Chief hesitantly. "You're not going to tell Dr. Bailey why my schedule is changing, are you?"

Richard pointed to the door. "Out!"

As they scurried out, Lexie could swear that she heard him muttering, "All other attendings keep their relationships out of work, but not here, no! ... I feel like I am running a damn dating service sometimes."

After that, things changed dramatically for Lexie and Mark. Lexie got off at reasonable times in the evenings, and they had their days off together. Once that occurred, they started devoting their days off to only each other. No hospital, no friends, just them. Sometimes they would go out, and sometimes they would stay in, but it was always just about being together.

Mark marveled at how things had changed. He had never really given much thought to the after in relationships. He had known he wanted to be that guy for Lexie, and he had been shocked and humbled when he realized that he loved her and that she returned the emotion, but his grand plans had kinda stopped there. He had never considered the next part. Never could he have known that saying 'I love you' was only the beginning. To his amazement, he had only been in the first stages of love. Now, things were so utterly different.

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