Chapter 26

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Time seemed to race by as Mark and Lexie prepared for the wedding. Amazingly, she found a dress, flowers, and a small church to perform the ceremony. Mark had blanched at first when she said that she wanted to be married in a church, but he had given in when she looked at him with those big brown eyes of hers. But as he walked away he had muttered something about hoping she like lightening.

As for telling people, well, that had been something else all together. Mark and Lexie had decided to tell Derek and Meredith themselves, and they met them at Joes one night for that very reason. Lexie was feeling much better now, her stitches had been removed and she could go places without getting tired. She still wasn't back to work, but she now thought she would wait until after the wedding to return which would simplify things considerably.

"So, what's up?" Meredith had asked as she and Derek slid into the booth.

"Have an onion ring," Lexie offered, nudging the basket towards her sister and Derek.

"Naw, I'm good," Meredith said.

"Really?" Lexie replied. "Derek?"

"Lexie, stop stalling," Mark said kissing her on the temple.

"Right," She said, clearing her throat. "Mark and I are getting married."

Derek and Meredith looked at her blankly. "We know, Lexie," Derek said. "That is what the ring on your finger means."

Lexie laughed. "No, I mean like right now. Two weeks from Saturday."

"Whoa," Meredith said. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Mark affirmed dryly.

"Why?" Derek asked. "What's the rush?"

"Ohmigod, are you pregnant?" Meredith asked loudly, causing many heads to swivel in their direction.

"No!" Lexie hissed. "And thank you for now putting that thought into everyone's mind."

Mark took her hand and squeezed it. "The rush is that we don't want to wait anymore."

"There doesn't seem to be any reason to delay," Lexie said, picking up from where Mark had stopped. "Neither of us wants a big wedding, and that seems to be a good day to have the people we care about there."

"You don't want a big wedding?" Meredith asked skeptically. "I always thought that you would."

Lexie shook her head. "I very much doubt there will be more than twenty guests, and that is fine with us."

Mark looked at Derek. "We called your mom an hour ago and invited her. After she stopped squealing into the phone, she said she would be here on Wednesday."

Derek laughed, and then groaned. "The house is already crowded…"

"Don't worry," Mark grinned. "We are putting her up at the Archfield."

"Cool, thanks."

"Yeah, oh, and there is one more thing," Mark said. "I want you to be my best man."

Derek nodded, grinning at his friend. "Of course." He and Mark got up to go to the bar and get a celebratory drink.

Lexie turned to Meredith. "I hope you don't mind, I asked Molly to be my maid of honor."

"I don't mind," Meredith said, breathing a sigh of relief. She wasn't good at being the happy shiny person that Lexie would want as her maid or honor.

"You can sit with Cristina for the wedding," Lexie said. "I am inviting her, Alex, Izzie, Bailey, the Chief, Graziella, Sadie, Callie, Mrs. Shepherd, my dad, Molly, Eric, and the baby." Lexie ticked them off on her fingers. "And with Dr. Bailey's husband and the Chief's wife, you and Derek, that is about seventeen."

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