Chapter 16

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Both Lexie and Mark had been sleeping soundly when they were woken by a shrill ringing sound. "What the hell?" Mark growled as he bolted upright.

"What's going on?" Lexie muttered. She then realized what the sound was. "Oh, it's my phone." Lexie looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, and realize it wasn't yet midnight. They had really worn each other out.

"Why the hell is your phone so annoying?" Mark muttered as he rolled over and covered his head with a pillow.

The shrill ringing came again, and Lexie hurried to the hall to find her purse. When she got to it, she quickly opened the phone and whispered, "Hello?"

"Lexie!" Was all she heard on the line.

"Who is this?"

"It's your sister. Well, your half sister…sometimes…when I feel like it."

"Meredith?" Lexie hissed into the phone. "Are you drunk?"

"Maybe?" She sounded as if she wasn't sure of that answer.

"And you called me because why?"

"Why wouldn't I call you?" Meredith said, slurring her words. "You're Lexie!"

"Yes, I am Lexie. But why did you call me, Meredith?" Lexie hopped from foot to foot, trying to keep the cold away. She resented standing naked in her own hallway when there was a warm bed and a warmer man waiting for her.

"Oh, I don't remember," Meredith said, when suddenly there was a scuffle in the background, and then Christina had taken Meredith's phone. "Three, you need to come to Joe's and get Meredith."

"What?" Lexie asked, still hopping. "Why me? What about Derek or her roommates? Why can't you do it?"

"Derek was called back to the hospital after a guy fell off his roof, Alex and Izzie are missing because Alex is trying to help Izzie with her tragic pain, and I can't do it cause…I can't."

Lexie stomped her foot in frustration. "Fine, I'll be there in ten minutes." She snapped the phone shut, and tossed it back in her purse.

"You'll be where in ten minutes?" Mark asked, leaning against the door to their bedroom.

"I have to go pick up my dark and twisty sister who couldn't be bothered to get a designated driver before getting drunk." Lexie walked past him into the bedroom. She pulled on her jeans in a hurry. "Where is my bra?" Lexie muttered to herself.

Mark yawned, and picked it up from where it was draping over the end of their bed. "You have to pick her up? In this rain?" What had started as a gentle drizzle in the early evening, was now a bona fide storm.

Lexie laughed. "It will be fine Mark. It's just a quick trip to Joe's. You won't even notice I am missing."

"I always notice when you're missing," Mark muttered. "Fine go; leave me alone in my big cold bed."

Lexie started laughing. "Oh, poor baby. I'll be back before you know it." She pulled on her coat and tipped her face up to his. "Give me a kiss."

"No," Mark said. "You don't get kisses when you leave me in the middle of the night. My kisses are for girlfriends who stay right here."

"Fine," Lexie said with a chuckle. "See you soon," She wiggled her fingers at him.

Mark muttered something, and then crawled back into bed.


By the time that Lexie reached the bar, she was ready to strangle Meredith. After sitting through awful traffic to drive five miles, the rain was really coming down when she reached the bar. Lexie made a run for it, and headed into the bar with her clothes soaked despite her efforts. She felt strange at the prospect of doing such a sisterly thing for Meredith.

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