Chapter 4

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Okay, So here is the next Chapter... Enjoy!!!

Due to the combined efforts of Dr. Bailey and Lexie, by the end of the day, Mark Sloan was ready to swear off women. He had reached a place of such utter frustration, that he was likely to lash out at the next person who spoke to him. Dr. Bailey didn't mean to annoy him; Mark knew that, she just wanted to know everything. She had question after question, and each question had multiple parts and a follow up. Had Bailey not been a doctor, Mark was convinced that she would have been a wonderful investigative reporter.

Lexie was another story all together. She had spent the day deliberately torturing him. She was brushing up against him, and making eyes at him anytime Dr. Bailey looked the other way. As she presented the case, she made sure their fingers brushed when she handed him the chart. And later, when Mark was getting ready to go into surgery, Lexie had winked at him before going to sit in the gallery. After the surgery, once Dr. Bailey had left due to a page, Mark pulled Lexie into the first available supply closet.

"You're bad," Mark said, pushing her up against the wall and kissing her the way he had wanted to all morning. He dragged his lips across her own, giving as much pleasure as he was receiving. It amazed him how addicting each one of Lexie's kisses was. She never seemed to tire of pressing her lips against his own, and as a result he thought about them a lot more than he should. Especially when the thought of her kisses was crossing his mind while he was in surgery.

"You love it," Lexie murmured against his lips.

Mark said nothing, he was too distracted by Lexie's body rubbing up against his own. "Damn it," he finally said.

"What?" Lexie asked, looking at him, her eyes filled with desire.

"I invited the intern into the supply closet," Mark said with a laugh.

"Dragged the intern into the supply closet would be a more apt description," Lexie replied pertly.

Mark laughed and kissed her again. "We better get back. You know, patients to save, careers to ruin."

Lexie grinned. "Sure, Dr. Sloan. Let's resume the teaching."

Mark groaned. "You're going to be the death of me."

"I certainly hope not," Lexie said, ducking out of the supply closet. Mark waited a couple of minutes and then followed, smiling to himself about the amount of time he spent following Lexie Grey around these days.


Derek was standing at the nurses' station reviewing a chart when he felt someone come up next to him. He looked up and nodded at Dr. Torres who had a pensive expression on her face. Derek smiled, happy that he and Torres had formed a little alliance for the benefit of their mutual friend.

"Do you think there is something going on with Mark?" She asked.

Derek laughed. "I am afraid you are going to have to clarify that statement. There is always something going on with Mark."

Callie smiled. "True. It's just that… I don't know. He has been acting really weird lately. First he was all crazy grumpy for days, and now… I caught him whistling this morning. Mark Sloan, whistling!" Callie's voice expressed her disbelief. "Seriously, how off is that?"

Derek shook his head with a smile. "Maybe he is just finally getting into the holiday spirit."

Callie looked at Derek as if he was nuts. "Mark? The holiday spirit? Are we talking about the same Mark Sloan here?"

Shepherd nodded. "Good point. He must have gotten…um, well, you know."

"I wonder who…" Callie trailed off.

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