We Are Who We Are

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"Can you please start from the beginning?"

The cold air was causing goose bumps on my arm.

"The beginning? Which beginning?"

The subtle light showing through the closed blinds.

"The very beginning, when Eclipse picked you all up."

The memories flooded back to me, like a tsunami hit me and they hit me hard.

"It starts like every other story, it was a day like any other, the warm sun, gentle breeze and we were sitting at our usual table, laughing, talking, listening to music, being average, ordinary, everyday teenagers."

My heart sunk and rose with every little word.

"I want to know about Eclipse."

"Two men approached us, one was in a lab coat, the other was in a tuxedo, big guy and from behind was a woman, wearing this business suit, holding a tablet, sunglasses all that.

"What did the woman look like?"

"She had curly brown hair, hazel eyes, wearing a black business skirt, a white v-neck shirt covered by a black jacket and a pair of black high-heels

"She asked us who the leader was, no one else had stood up so I did."

I felt the wave emotions I had felt back then, I was so afraid.

"What did she say, Caio?"


"We have detected large signs of energy from the local area and have narrowed it down to you and all of your friends, I can not go into detail but if you were to all come along."

"Wait, hold up lady, you may make yourself look all important but we aren't going anywhere without a clear explanation."

She sighed, looking at her tablet and then toward the two men behind her, they both nodded in unison and then she looked back at me.

"Mr. Stirling, the reason of why Eclipse Corporation was created, is to study increased energy levels within human beings and unlocking the abilities and potential that untold energy may hold, this is why we want you and your friends and family to come to Eclipse, so we can unlock these very abilities."

It was my turn, I sighed, looking down at the ground and then toward my friends sitting at the table, they looked very confused as to what was going on.

The surrounding air went cold, my heart sunk, my blood rushing through my body.

"I will but whether they want to come is up to them."


"We all agreed, unsurprisingly."

There were some memories I wasn't happy with remembering, the kisses from my mother all over my face, the tears rushing down my face.

"So what happened after that?"

My voice breaking as I said goodbye to her, I didn't know how long I would be gone for and she was happy I was doing something I wanted to do.

"They took us to each of our homes and we got to packing. One train ride, one plane ride, a private van to a helicopter, getting into the helicopter it flew us to the helipad at Eclipse."

She let me go I wish I hadn't and just stayed that day, her face, her emotions, her voices as I and my siblings left, continues to haunt me.


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