One Week Eclipse (1 of 2)

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"So what did you and your friends do in the first week you were there?"

"We got to know our little area, we found our bedrooms, nothing major just a room with a bed, a closet and a bathroom."

"So accommodations were standard?"

"Yeah, I had an awesome view of the surrounding area, it was quite spectacular, the tree's the fields of grass, the rolling hills, Eclipse found the perfect spot for their base."

"Describe your living area to me."

"There were many activities we can do, work out, paint, play video games, access the internet, read books, play instruments, anything that can entertain a bunch of teenagers."

"What happened between your friends?"

"Well, on day one..."


"Okay everyone, it's time to get up! Breakfast is being served in the mess hall! Let's go!"

I woke up to the sound of Sarah yelling down the hallway to our bedrooms and the lights on my room turning on by themselves.

Exiting I walked lazily down the hallway with the rest of the crew, obviously still jet lagged and no one bothering to get changed out of their sleepwear, the only exception being Violet who looks like she's been awake for hours.

"Come on guys, it's your first day here, be happy."

Sarah's words of encouragement fall on deaf ears.

"What time is it?"

"Well, it's currently 6 am."

A wave of moans and groans came from the tired teens.

"Come on to the mess hall we go."


"How was the food?"

"Average, they had cereal, porridge, toast with like scrambled eggs, spaghetti, baked beans, you know the usual sorta thing, nothing too grand."

"Did it taste good?"

"How is all this relevant?"

"It isn't, I'm just hungry."

"Anyway, back in the common room, we all set out on various activities after getting dressed and ready for the day."

"Well, I'm going to hit the gym, Liam come on."
"Hey, wait up for me."

Aaron and Liam followed by Flint went to the gym.

"Hurry up Jade, I want to play Call Of Duty, Come on!"

Valentina and Jade ran to the TV switching on the gaming console.

"I'm going to take this opportunity to study if anyone needs me, I'll be in my room."
"Study? For what?"
"I have exams to catch up on."

Violet walked to her room, closing the door with a small click.

"I'm just going to draw, anyone wanna join me?"
"Sure thing."
"Count me in."

Taylar walked toward the art area along with Adriana and Krystal.

"Let's just Netflix and Chill Fray."
"I'm keen."
"I'm joining in."

Kani, Fraser and Auria went to sit on the couch watching Netflix on one of the computers.

I just watched as everyone went on to their activities, I found a pen with an eclipse on it and a book with no contents, I decided to use it as a diary, grabbing my polaroid camera I had brought with me and started taking photos of everything, the rooms, the gang doing their activities and stuck them onto the pad of paper writing little descriptions for them.

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