Chapter 7

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Here is Chapter 7! I will be uploading chapter 8 in a few hours:) Please enjoy this!
-Careforbooks! -God bless yoU! :D


THis chapter is dedicated to all who have lost a child, to any circumstance, whatever it may be (Miscarriage, regretted abortion, adoption, etc.). My heart goes out to you!


Chapter Seven

Chapter 7

Madeline lay in the hospital bed, twiddling with the stiff, white blanket. She watched as Ethan stared out the window, watching the rain, releasing many tears, silently.

“Sweetheart?” Madeline choked out softly in sorrow.

Ethan turned slowly, grabbed a chair, and pulled it to her bedside.
After sitting, he answered. “Yes?” He said so low that Madeline barely heard him.

“Do you think God’s taking good care of the baby?” Madeline let the sobs begin as Ethan leaned down so she wouldn’t have to move-orders from the doctor. They sat in a hugging position for the longest of time before they heard a knock on the door.

They parted and wiped their cheeks and eyes. “Well, Mrs. Madeline.” A nurse with the name tag Jamie said. “The Doctor will be in shortly. She got called away after your procedure. Are you feeling alright or do you need some pain medication?”


“Um, no, thank you. I’m fine.” Madeline gave a weak smile and the nurse exited.


She reached her hand up and grasped the hair on the nape of Ethan’s neck. She rumbled trough it until she reached a stand still. She looked him right in the eye.


“Ethan. This is so hard. Why doesn’t God want us to be parents? What is so wrong with that? Why can’t we seem to enjoy that blessing?” She asked and dropped her hand back down to her side.


“I don’t know….I just don’t know…”


Madeline felt so much pain. But felt so much love.

Ethan did mean a lot to her and being in his arms meant the world to her.

But, her baby was gone.

And, at that moment, it didn’t feel like anyone, not even God, could fix her pain.







Chapter 8 wil lbe up in a few horus:) Enjoy you guys.. i promise, the next chapter is longer lol:) It starts getting better starting in chapter 8:) Hold tight:)

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