Chapter 20

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This is the final chapter. The epilogue is next. I want to thank everyone who has supported me on this journey of writing Ethan and Madeline's story. It is a real heart-warmer to know how many of you actually support me and my writing. So thank you all:) And don't forget to vote/comment for this sotry for the Watty Awards that are TODAY:))


-God bless!



Chapter 20

“How’d you like the service, Travis?” Ethan asked, hopeful about it.

“Well, I actually liked it. I haven’t been to church in so long, I wondered if anyone would remember me. But, apparently, the older ladies did.”

Travis said a bit irritated in the backseat of their suburban. Madeline laughed at the elderly women of the church who knew Travis.

“Yeah. They came up and pinched your cheeks. Too funny!” Ethan said and laughed.

Travis chuckled in the back.

“That was priceless…” Madeline sighed aloud.

“Up here to the left.” Travis spoke, directing them to his house.

As they pulled up, Ethan wanted to go in and see Travis’ mother.

“Hey, does your mom mind company?” Ethan asked.

“No, not at all.” Travis smiled.

Ethan and Madeline followed Travis up the walk way and behind Travis. After Travis’ mother came to the door and invited them in, Ethan felt better about the situation.

Sitting in the living area, Ethan and Madeline sat in front of a skinny, fine-bonded woman and a tall, black headed man. Travis sat looking angry towards the man, in a chair.

“What is he doing here, Mom?” Travis asked, biting his tongue.

“I need to tell you something sweetie.” Travis’ mother said.

“It’s back honey. The cancer is back and it’s irreversible this time. Your Father will have full custody of you after I’m gone and I-“

“No!!!!” Travis said jumping up. “I just went to church Mom. How could God do this to us? Take you away from me, orce to go live with Robert” he said pointing at his father “how come? Life isn’t fair!” He screamed and ran down the hallway.

After hearing the door slam, Travis’ mom, Lucy, and father, Robert, began talking again.

“Look, Lucy, I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for him. I work almost all the time now and the little bit of time that I get off at the office I spend playing golf. I just don’t want to deal with him and his attitude until he’s 18. That’s 3 whole years Lucy!”

“What are you suggesting then, huh? That we put our son in foster care because his biological father is too hung up on himself to care for his own son, is that it?”

“Well…” Robert staggered for words.

“We can adopt him.” Ethan suggested.

“What?” Lucy looked at him.

“I said, we can adopt him. I mean, think about it. It would be better for everyone. Lucy, you won’t be here for much longer, although I sure wish you would be because you are such a sweet lady inside and out” which pulled a smile from her “and Robert doesn’t seem like he has time for Travis and doesn’t seem like he wants hi maround, am I correct?” Ethan asked Robert.

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