In School

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Kayla: Whoa thank goodness that we made it.

Lanae: And we got some really great seats right in the first row of the auditorium.

Jordyn: Uh oh here comes Jasmine and the" popular"girls so called.

Jasmine: So Jordyn I here that Mindless Behavior added you on Twitter is true?

Jordyn: Yeah and so why the only reason was because I won the radio contest.

Jasmine : Well we all got Front Row tickets to see them in the Radio Festival Power 105.1. Isn't that right ladies?

Girls: Yeah

Kayla: Just shut up Jasmine.

Jasmine: Oh did I hear an echo.

Lanae: It must have been the angels telling you to get a life. Oh yay Felicia is coming.

Felicia : Hay guyerz sorry I was late there was so much traffic getting here what's going on?

Kayla: Oh nothing just these brats wanna start things up.

Felicia : Jasmine leave!

Jasmine and the girls leave.......

(Lights Dimming )

Felicia : Is that who I think it is OMG it's MINDLESS BEHAVIOR.

Prodigy : This song goes out to all my beautiful girls in here.

MB: Here We Go

(Plays 1# Girl)
Jumps off stage grabs Kayla, Jordyn, Lanae, and Felicia hands and Dances)

Crowd: We starting down with 3 don't worry about a thing we gonna take it down to 2 now it's just me and you you could be my................

After the show.........

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