Hilton With MB

38 4 0

(Rings Doorbell)... Ray Ray Opens

Kayla :Hey gives him a hug.


Jordyn: Gives Ray the longest hug of life.

Kayla: Wow this place is amazing.

Lanae: The Same.

Princeton:What's the first thing you guys wanna do?

Roc Royal :Movie?

Girls: Definitely

Jordyn: How about Jurassic World?

Everyone: Yeah Definitely.

(Roc Sits on Couch with Felicia)
(Jordyn sits on small couch with Ray)
(Lanae sits on long couch with Prodigy)
(Kayla sits on Floor with Princeton).

(2 HOURS GO BYE 11:00)

Kayla: Princeton you awake?

Princeton : Yeah

Kayla: Cool

Princeton : I can't sleep

Kayla: Wanna play 21 questions?

Princeton : Sure

Kayla: You go first

Princeton : Who's your favorite MB member that you marry or kiss?

Kayla: Marry and you.

Princeton: Lol really.

Kayla : Yeah

Princeton: Can I tell you something?

Kayla: Sure

Princeton : I really have feelings for you can we go out sometime in the morning.

Kayla : Definitely, Goodnight


Kayla: Guess I'll cuddle with Princeton

(Princeton cuddles with Kayla)

Next Morning......

Felicia: I guess me and roc overslept lol

Roc: Hey babe what time is it?

Felicia: Around 11 did you just call me babe lol?

Roc: Oops sorry

Felicia: I'm good with it

Roc: Let's go make some breakfast.

Felicia: Pancakes with whip

Roc: Yup that's our favorite alrite!

Felicia: Good

Roc: How about we go on a date in 2 hours or so I know this really good place.

Felicia: I mean sure if it's OK with you.

Roc: Wanna play 21 questions?

Felicia: Yes

Roc: Who is your favorite MB member that you marry or kiss?

Felicia: You

Roc: Oh ok cause I was hoping lol.

Felicia: Lol were is everyone else?

Roc: I don't know maybe they went with Lanae and Prod or Ray and Jordyn or Kayla and Prince.

Felicia: I'm going to go take a shower and put on a cute outfit and you to and we're going to find them.

Felicia's Outfit: (Black is the new black tank) (Ripped Lace Jean's) With (Golden Adidas)

Roc Outfit: (Adidas Hoodie,), Adidas Shorts) (Jordans 12)

Felicia: Is it me or do we look fly?

Roc: We look fly

Felicia: Let's go

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