New Hotel Room

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(They already switched their room)

Felicia: Alright tbh this place is better than the last room.

Kayla: You've got that right

Jordyn: Facts man

Kayla: What yall wanna do now ?

Felicia : I feel like we should all get our new vixen sew ins


Kayla : Aight let's do it

*enters princesses day beauty salon*

Felicia : I would like The brailizian wave bundle (Purple)

Kayla : I'll take the yaki straight bundle (Dark red)

Jordyn : And I'll I have wavy straight bundle (Blue and black)

Lanae : And may I have all straight bundle  ( Baby blue )

*gets hair finenessed by the salon*


Lanae : Let's see what our boyfriends think of it

(Girls Walk In To Boys Sitting On Couch)

(Boys Jaw Dropped)

Prodigy: You guys look gorgeous.

Roc: Prod what are you talking..... you guys look good especially my girl.

 you guys look good especially my girl

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Girls: Thanks Guys.

Princeton: You guys look beautiful.

Jordyn: So what's the plan for today.

RayRay: So we have a suprise for you guys.

Lanae: Spit it

Princeton: Well our managers Keshia and Walter said that we are going back on tour.

Felicia: Really I'm happy for you guys.

Roc: Here's the really good part you guys can come with us.

Kayla: Seriously!

Prod: Yeah

Lanae: See the problem is that we need to call our moms.

Jordyn: Is there a contract we need to sign?

Kayla: No duh lol

Princeton: We have the papers here sign it.

(The girls sign the contract)

Felicia: Guys come on we gonna FaceTime our moms...

(The girls FaceTime their mom and they say yes)

Kayla: Guys I have an idea.

Lanae: What

Kayla: I think that we should live together.

Felicia: Yeah we should buy a 5 bedroom house with a guess bedroom and rent it until we pay it off.

Roc: But you guys don't have to do that because after tour we are going back home to our MB house which is basically a mansion.

Prince: Yeah and it has 8 bedrooms

Jordyn: Well I guess you guys have everything planned out then.

Kayla: Quick question when does tour start?

Ray: It starts next week and we start in Virginia.

Lanae: Cool

Prod: We are going on tour with the OMG GIRLZ!

(Girls look sad)

Prince: Why the sad face.

Felicia: We'll before we all started dating rumors spread that the Omg Girlz dated MB.

Ray: Well its not true!

Roc: People always thought that because we would bring them on stage and stuff.

Felicia: Ok so we won't have to worry about anything it'll be perfect.

Kayla: Let's get some rest guys it is getting late.

RayRay: Two more days then we're all leeaving.

Lanae: Your Right were be going back to Brooklyn and you'll go back to Your home in LA .😕

Prince: Guys don't be sad well still text each other.

Jordyn: Your right.

Prod: So what are our plans tmrw?

Roc: It's a suprise just dress like really classy like prom dress ok.

Felicia: Ok

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