Six Flags

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Prince: This place is very huge OMG.

Felicia: I'm feening to get on the Joker or the zumanjaro.

Kayla: Facts.

Prodigy: I'm hungry they got any food around her goshhh!


Prodigy: Shut up

Jordyn: Well let's first go register our wrist bands.

Everyone: Your Right

(Everyone Registered There Wrist Bands)

Felicia: Can we please go on the king da Kong first I'm feening?

Lanae: Facts let's go.

(The red light came then the yellow light game and when the green game we was ready)🚥🚥

Everyone: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

RayRay: Can we go again please?

(Everyone Looks at him)

RayRay: I guess not!

Kayla: Prodigy wanna come with me to the buffet to bring the food.

(Grabs Kayla arm and runs)

(Fans run up to the rest of MB and the girls.)

Roc: Hi nice to meet you.

Fan#1: Can we get your autograph?

Prince: Sure.

(Fans Leave)

Roc: Felicia ima need you to go stand over there babe for like a moment.

Felicia: Why?

Prince: Listen to your boyfriend! because Mickey Mouse Club Crew is walking over here.

Felicia: Oh you got that right.

(Jasmine Walks over)

Jasmine: Babe i told you these brats are not worth it.

Roc: For the last time I have a girlfriend.

Jasmine: Why don't you ride the love glove with me?

(Kayla and Prod come back with the food)

Prod: Hey guys what's going on...........Oh my god this girl must really be a stocker.

Kayla: Prod what do you mean............. Oh god?

Jasmines Friend: Didn't we tell you we was coming back.

Felicia: Why don't you just crawl into a cave or a rock and die.

Lanae: Jasmine we don't have time for you let's go to our table and eat guys.

Jasmine: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

(Everyone turns around slowly)

Felicia: What do you mean you won't be sure about that?

Jasmine: Well you see we know your hotel information and every move so don't try to hide people because Roc and Ray will be mine soon bye bye😈😠.

Lanae: This girl is really trying me.

Prod: It's ok babe let's go.

Kayla: Yeah guys so we got cheeseburgers, Hotdogs, Tacos and all sprites and cokes.

Jordyn: I'm about to tare these tacos up.

RayRay: Tacos!!

Lanae: Jordyn you shouldn't have said that to loud.

(All tacos were gone)

Prince: I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom.

Everyone: OK

Prince: Oh boy I can't wait to get a taco (mumbling) 😎

Kayla: Hey Prince there is no more tacos.

Prince: Who ate them all?

Kayla: Ray.

Prince: I guess I'll get a burger.

(Everyone sitting and talking)

Felicia: Hey guys don't you think it's kind of scary that Jasmine stalks us.

Everyone: Definitely!

Roc: I think we should move to the other side of the hotel and get a different room.

RayRay: Agree.

Lanae: So when we go back to the hotel well just move then to another room.

Felicia: Perfect and hopefully Jasmine won't find us.

Announcement:📢📣 Six Flags closes in another 20 mins thank you.

Kayla: Guys we should get going if we want to change rooms and all.

Prod: Let's go then.

Authors Note: Do you think that Jasmine will find were there staying?
Will they like where they are staying?Will the boys finally admit to the girls that they love them?

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