Chadwick Episode 2; Part 3

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*Amy's P.O.V.*

"Amy I'm out your turn with the shower!" Kim yelled slamming my bedroom door open, and scaring the crap out of me.

"Don't scare me like that."

"Well it's the only way to get you to stop reading and pay attention." she said jumping on the bed.

"Whatever." I said getting up and quickly taking a shower.

I got back and Kim already had everything ready for a movie marathon from the popcorn to the blanket fort and the TV and lights. I don't even know what the first movie was because after the first five minutes I grabbed the book again.

*Kay's P.O.V.*

"It sounds like they're some distance away. We need to go back to the car at once!" Chadwick yelled the he grabbed my hand and took off.

" legs aren't as long as yours!"

He did slow down a little...but only just a little. As soon as we made it to Chadwick's car he started the engine and got on his radio.

"This is McGrew...we have a situation with the first daughter..." he said as he pulled out of the parking spot and then went flying out of the parking lot while still on his radio. I barley had time to buckle.

"The principal is safe, but the shooter remains at large..."

I finally remembered to catch my breath. One moment we were just talking, and then I was running for my life...I looked down at my hands. How long have I been shaking like this? We came to a yellow light and Chadwick glanced at the rear-view mirror.

"Suspicious car on my six..."Chadwick said into the radio again.

He slammed on the accelerator and tore through the intersection just as the light was changing.

"En route to the White House now...McGrew out." He said putting the radio up then looked at me.

"Are you okay Ms. Lewis?"

"I...I think so..."

He made a sudden sharp turn and I felt myself pitching to the side of the seat.

"HOLD ON!" Chadwick yelled putting one arm over me and pressed me back into the seat.

He really is always paying attention to me, he finally moved his arm off once we were speeding down the street.

"Is someone following us?" I asked.

"I believe so, although we might have lost them. We'll be at the White House soon."

I looked out the window as the scenery flew by. I had hoped that things would be back to normal today. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, I'm still the President's daughter...and that makes me a target. I can't forget why Chadwick is here in the first place. Once we were back at the White House, Chadwick took me straight to an office where the other agents were waiting. There were also two unfamiliar faces.

"Ms. Lewis this is Trent Stevens from the Police department." Chadwick introduced a young guy maybe 18 or 19 with dark hair.

"So you're the first daughter? Geez, it's a real honor!" Trent said vigorously shaking my hand.

"And Mr. Brad Mitchell, from the Bureau of Counter-terrorism." Chadwick said pointing to the other guy who was about 6ft with very short brown hair and lots of muscle standing with his arms cross.

"I'm glad to see both of you made it out okay." Brad said.

I'm not sure I like the way he's looking at me...I feel like I'm being analyzed.

"It's surprising that they'd make another move so quickly." Chadwick spoke.

"What a bunch of cowards. I can't wait until we finally bring them in!" Felix chimed in.

"We've already sent a team out to the campus. I doubt they'll find much now, but maybe we'll luck out..." Ellis said standing next to Felix.

"Good Work." Chadwick announced.

"Brad and I were just going over some of the information we've collected on this terrorist group." Edgar spoke up across from us.

"They're a small band of extremists called the New World." Brad explained.

"The New World? Why does that sound familiar?" Chadwick questioned.

"We actually have their leader behind bars. A piece of work named Duke McLane..." Edgar answered.

"He's been locked up for a few years now." Ellis finished

"I see...So the remainder of the group has decided to fixate on Ms. Lewis after learning her identity." Chadwick said, then he thought for a moment.

"But what's the connection?" he asked.

"We're still working on that sir." Edgar stated.

"And the threat from yesterday?" Chadwick asked.

"Looks like they were just trying to keep us distracted." Edgar answered.

I suddenly began to feel dizzy, maybe if I just sit in this chair...

"Ms. Lewis!" Chadwick exclaimed.

"It's okay...I just need to get off of my feet." I said sitting down slowly.

"Somebody get her a glass of water." he said looking down at me.

"I'm on it!" Trent said and rushed out of the room.

"I'm sorry. We should have tended to you before getting caught up in this..." Chadwick said kneeling down in front of me.

"No, it's ok I understand." I said cutting him off.

Trent came back and handed me a plastic cup filled with ice cold water.

"Thanks Trent." I said taking the cup from him.

The water was cool and soothing on my parched throat.

"I think it would be best for you to get some rest. We've prepared a secure room for you to stay in." Chadwick answered.

"I can take her, sir!" Trent said standing at attention.

"Thank you, officer Stevens. Ms. Lewis, I'll check in on you after we finish up here." Chadwick said helping me stand up.

"Ok...I appreciate it." I said as gave him a weak smile.

*Ok so another part is down and thanks for all the reads and votes. Love you guys!*

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