Chadwick Episode 2: Part 4

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"Right this way, ma'am." Trent said holding open the door to leave the big conference area.

Ma'am? And I thought being called Ms. Lewis made me feel old. Anyway Trent peppered me with questions all the way to the room.

"So did you ever suspect you were the President's daughter? How did you feel when you found out? Have you ever been to the White House before?" 

I did my best to answer him but my mind was elsewhere. Suddenly Trent stopped and unlocked a door.

"Well, this is your room." he said letting me walk in first.

"Wow!...It's a lot nicer than I expected!" I exclaimed at the huge room. It reminds me of an upscale hotel room. There's a large bed, sofa in front of a flat screen TV, a desk...and I bet that door over there leads to a private bathroom.

"Yeah, well we can't just put the first daughter in just any old room." Trent said clearing his throat.

"Anyway, I should get going."

"Thanks for everything, Trent. Really."

"Yeah? Oh, it's no problem! I'm just happy to help!" he said and started to give a salute and then he stopped himself. Instead he bowed quickly then ran off, closing the door behind him.

He's really a little brother kind of way. I decided to flop down on the huge bed. That makes two assassination attempts now, and the worst part is that I don't know what I can do to help out. I trust the agents to take care of me, but I also want to avoid being a burden to them. After a while I got up and walked around the room, I peeked into the bathroom and tested the TV, then there was a knock at the door.

"Just a second..."I said turning off the TV.

I opened the door expecting to see Chadwick, but it was Brad instead.

"Hello, Kay. I'm sorry to disturb you." he said.

"No, it's okay...can I help you with something?"

"Actually yes..." he said stepping into the room and looked around before fixing his gaze back on me.

"I'm here to debrief you about the incident. Are you feeling up to it?"

"Okay...sure no problem."

He took out a notebook and started scribbling.

"Please describe what happened leading up to the shooting."

"Well..." I started and went on to tell him about the drama club meeting.

"Afterwards Chadwick and I were just hanging out in front of the school bulletin board when we heard a shot."

"I see. There's actually something there I'm curious about." he said lowering the notebook.

"Can you tell me exactly why you led Chadwick to the bulletin board?" he continued.

"Why? I don't know...we just sort o ended up stopping there." I answered.

"I see. And are you aware of what a perfect location that is for a sniper to hide in any one of several buildings?"

"Excuse me?!" 

"It just seems a little convenient." he said not missing a beat.

"Wait!" I yelled at him starting to get angry.

(Please Select One)

A.)"I don't like your tone."

B.)"What are you suggesting?"

C.)"What's that have to do with anything?"

*Sorry for taking forever to update. Had a lot of personal stuff going on and it's just been hard. I'll try to get better. Love you guys thanks!*

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