Chapter 5

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Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.
~Barbara Alpert

After I drop Ash off at school, I head to my parent's farm to visit with my sisters and my parents. When I get there my two younger sisters are still sleeping but my parents are awake with coffee made. My dad greets me at the door. "Hey, Sweetie!" He says before giving me a big hug.

"Hey, Daddy." I say. Yes, I still call my dad, daddy. Sometimes a girl really needs a hug from her dad. I have missed my parents so much since I moved out of the house three years ago. My dad is someone I would always talk to. I mean yeah I can talk to my mom but my dad gives amazing advice too.

"How are you doing?" He asks as we walk to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"Fine. Ash is fine too." I reply.

"You usually respond with 'good' but never 'fine.' What's up?" He asks.

"Chad came into the bar on Tuesday night and he wants joint custody of Ash." I say. "Daddy, I can't let that happen and I don't want him to see Ash. Knowing him he is going to find a way to see her."

"We won't let him see Ash as much as possible." He says. "I think Chad should just go burn in hell."

"Don't we all." I mumble. Mom walks in and I fill her in on the Chad situation.

"How would he know you got pregnant?" Mom asks. "That just doesn't make since. The only way he would know is if someone told him."

"Someone probably told him." I say. "Let's not talk about Chad anymore." I say.

"What would you like to talk about then?" Mom asks.

"I have a favor to ask of you guys actually." I say.

"What is it?" Dad asks.

"Well I have a date Saturday night and I was hoping that maybe Ash could have a sleepover or something over here. I know she would love to spend time with Anya before she heads back to college."

"We would love that!" Mom says. "If you drop her off early in the morning then I will take her, Hannah, and Anya shopping in Nashville for the day. It will be tons of fun too. Or maybe we will just pick her up at your house."

"I don't get to go to Nashville?!" Dad asks, faking hurt.

"Honey, you hate the city and you hate shopping." Mom says giving him the look. "Unless you suddenly changed your mind-"

"No!" Dad interrupts. "I most definitely have not changed my mind."

"That's what I thought." Mom says rolling her eyes. "Tatiana, why don't you go wake up your sisters before it gets to late?"

"Okay." I say. I walk up the stairs. First stop is Anya's room. I open her bedroom door. She is laying face down on the bed with the blankets and sheets tangled up together. "Anya! Get out of bed before I start tickling you." Anya is so very ticklish.

"You wouldn't tickle me." She mumbles into the pillow.

"Wanna bet?" I ask.

"Sure. Fifty bucks says you won't tickle me." Anya says. That's when I tickle her in the ribs. "HOLY SHIT! I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD ACTUALLY DO THAT!" She yells.

"Fifty bucks." I say. "Today is my lucky day."

"Shut up." She grumbles.

"Anya Grace Hanes! Did I hear a swear word come out of your mouth?!" Mom yells from the kitchen.

"Maybe!" Anya yells back.

"I never want to hear another swear word from you again!" Mom yells.

"Sorry Mom!" Anya replies. She then turns to me. "Do I have to pay you fifty dollars?" She complains.

"Yeah! Pay up." I say.

"My wallet is downstairs."

"Just don't forget to pay me back." I say. "Now let's go wake up Hannah." I say.

For the rest of the morning and early afternoon, we ride the horses and eat food. Claire comes over for lunch but Ryder doesn't join her because he is at work. "So when is Will getting back from The Middle East?" I ask my mom as we eat. Will is my younger brother who is 19 almost 20. Right after he graduated high school, he went straight into the military.

"In two weeks. He's flying into Nashville at ten at night on a Sunday." Mom replies.

"I can't wait!" I say exictedly.

Instagram: theoriginal_three

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