Chapter 8

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I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.
~Cassandra Clare


I call Cash on the way to Tatiana's house. He is on his way. I call Tatiana's parents but they don't answer so I leave a message. I arrive at her house in record time. I run in and see her laying on the wooden floor helpless and beat up. I rush to her side. "Tatiana." I say. Her eyes open slightly.

"Everything hurts." She whispers in pain.

"I know, Sweetie. I know." I stroke the side of her face. I don't know what to do.

Cash arrives five minutes later. "An ambulance is on the way." He says. "How's she doing?" He asks worriedly. I see terror and anger in his eyes.

"She told me everything hurts." I say. Cash sits beside her.

"He obviously strangled her and probably hurt her stomach in some way since her arms are protecting it." He says. I don't say anything. I can't say anything.

I follow the ambulance to the hospital. I wait in the waiting room while she is being examined. I call Ryder to tell him. "Hey, Trevor! What's up?" Ryder says when he answers his phone.

"Ryder, you need to get to the hospital. It's Tatiana. Chad went by her house earlier."

"God damn it!" He says angrily. "I'll be there in twenty. Did you call my parents?"

"They didn't pick up so I left a message. I'll call them again." I say.

"Thanks." He says before hanging up. I call Tatiana's parents.

"Hello?" Callahan, Tatiana's dad, says when he answers the phone.

"Callahan, it's Trevor."

"Oh hey!" He says. "What's up?"

"Tatiana is in the hospital. Chad went by her house today."

"I'm gonna kill him. We will be there soon." Then he hangs up.

Ryder and Claire arrive first. Claire sits in the chair next to me while Ryder speaks with a nurse. After about a minute he wanders our way. "What did they say?" Claire asks worriedly.

"They said the doctor will be done shortly and then he will talk with us." Ryder replies.

Tatiana's parents come and so does Anya, Hannah, and Ash. Ash immediately walks over to me and I give her a faint smile. "Is Mommy going to be okay?" She asks with sadness in her voice.

"She will be okay." I say. I actually don't know but I hope to God she is alright.

"You promise?" Ash asks.

"I promise." I say. Ash gives me a giant hug and I hug her back.

About five minutes later the doctor comes by. Hannah and Ash are playing with the kids toys in the corner. "Tatiana is going to be okay." The doctor says. We all breath a sigh of relief. "She is extremely sore and will be for the next week or two. She has no broken bones either. We are going to keep her overnight just in case though."

"Can we go see her?" Monroe, Tatiana's mom, asks.

"Yes." The doctor replies.

"Hannah can you stay with Ash while we go and visit her?" Monroe asks her youngest daughter. Hannah looks as if she is about ready to argue with that.

"I can stay with Ash." I offer.

"If you would like to do that." Monroe says. "I know you want to see her."

"I can wait." I say nonchalant.

"Thanks, Trevor." Hannah says.

"No prob." I say.

Ash walks over to where I am seated. She sits on my lap and leans her head on my chest. She grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers. "Do you love Mommy?" She asks. How do I answer this?

"I do love your Mommy." I reply truthfully. I love Tatiana and I can't remember a time that I didn't love her. How can someone not love her?

"Will you marry my mommy?" Ash asks.

"I don't know, Ash." I reply.

"Well do you want to marry her?"

"I do. I really want to marry her." I reply.

"Then marry her." Ash says like it is an easy problem to solve.

"Why should I marry your mommy?" I ask her.

"Because you love her and I think she loves you. Besides, I want you to be my daddy." She replies. I can't help but smile at what Ash said. That's so damn sweet.

"Why should I be your daddy?" I ask.

"Because you like watching The Little Mermaid and you like pizza and you are super fun and nice and I love you." Awwwww.

"I love you too, Ash." I say.

After about twenty minutes, Ash and I go in to visit Tatiana without everyone else. "Mommy!" Ash squeals when we walk into the room.

"Ash, remember what I told you? Mommy really hurts so be careful." I say, stopping her from pouncing on Tatiana.

"Okay." She says. She walks very slowly over to the hospital bed. Tatiana is sitting up in bed looking very bruised and battered. She gives her daughter a faint smile.

"Hey Ash." Tatiana says quietly.

"Mommy, are you going to be okay?" Ash asks worriedly.

"I am."

"That's what Trevor said." Ash says. I sit in a chair beside Tatiana and hold her hand. "He promised me that you were going to be okay."

"Oh he did?"

"He did!" Ash replies. "Trevor also said he loves you." Tatiana bursts out laughing and I'm sure my face is bright red with an embarrassment. Six-year olds don't keep secrets.

"Really?" Tatiana asks.

"Really. Do you love Trevor?" Ash asks.

"I do." Tatiana replies without second thought.

"Do you want to marry him?" Ash asks. Ash is a matchmaker. That is the only explanation.

"Maybe someday." Tatiana replies, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Well I think that you guys should get married."

"Why is that?" Tatiana asks.

"Because I want Trevor to be my daddy." Yep. It's official. This kid does not keep secrets. Tatiana turns her head towards me and gives me a bright smile.

"I think that Trevor would be a great daddy for you." Tatiana says. I can't help but smile.

Monroe comes in to get Ash to take her home. Now it is just me and Tatiana. "So you love me?" I ask her playfully.

"How could I not? Any girl would be lucky to have you." She replies.

"Really?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Trevor, you are handsome, kind, caring, funny, and perfect. I have known you my whole life and I'm glad I have." Tatiana says. "Now why do you love me?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

"I have always loved you, Tatiana. I can't remember a moment that I didn't love you. I can't help but love you." I reply. I lean down and kiss her softly on the lips.

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