Chapter 10

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For millenia migrating birds have filled the skies, heading south in search of warmer climes and richer pickings. Conversely, these days, droves of our fellow beings struggle northbound against all odds, seeking safety and a better life. The key difference ? This vast exodus of human traffic moves in one direction only. A testimony to failed foreign policy and disastrous military intervention that may have sown the seeds of European disintegration.
~Alex Morritt

I wake up on Saturday morning in my old bedroom with Trevor beside me. He is dead asleep. I slip out of bed and head downstairs. My mom, who has always been an early riser, is in the kitchen making coffee. "Hey Sweetie." She says when she sees me.

"Hey." I say rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Claire and Ryder went to the hospital early this morning. Claire's water broke." Mom says.

"Oh!" I say excitedly. "Any news?" I ask.

"No. Ryder texted saying that the labor is going along very slow." Mom replies. "Your uncle called a couple minutes ago. There is no news on Ash."

"I want her home." I say. "I need her back where she belongs." I feel more tears fall down my face. I hate crying. I really do.

"I know." Mom says before giving me a hug. "I know." I cry in my Mom's arms.

I go out to the barn after breakfast where it is peaceful and quiet. I don't realize until he is behind me that Trevor followed me out. We don't say anything to each other as we sit in balcony in the barn. My cell phone beeps in my pocket and I pull it out, hoping it is news about Ash's whereabouts. I have a text from an unknown number.

Ashton is safe with me, Tatiana. Why did you call the police? There really was no need for that. I am her father after all.

I show the text to Trevor. "We are going to the police station." He declares. We practically run to his truck and he drives to the station.

I find one of the deputies working on this case and show him the text. "We need you to text back, Tatiana." The deputy says. "We need more information."

"Okay." I say.

Where is she?

The place where it all began.

What place is this?

You know, Tatiana. Just think long and hard of that night.

"Is there any place that he could be referring to?" The deputy asks.

"Not that I can think of. I honestly don't know. It could be anywhere."

"Is there any building that holds importance to you and him?"

"The old lake house where we met when we were 16, the diner where we had our first date, and the old motel off of Main Street." I reply. "That is all I can think of."

"We will search those buildings." The deputy says.

Within minutes there are people doing this. I am instructed to continue texting Chad.

Why did you take her?

I wanted joint custody, Tatiana. I told you this. This is my weekend to have her.

Chad, it doesn't work this way.

Tatiana, I told you in the bar that we would have to do this the hard way since you refused the first time. This is the hard way.

What is Ash doing right now? I need to know.

Watching The Little Mermaid. She told me that it was her favorite. Goodbye Tatiana. I'm going to enjoy my weekend with my daughter.

No. Just no. The deputy walks back over to me. "Tatiana, I'm sorry. We searched the buildings and found nothing." That's when I know where she is.

"I figured it out. It's William and Shelby Jenson's house. They are out of town." I say.

"Why would it be there?"

"That's where Ashton was conceived. It's where it all began." I say.

"We will send people to search and hopefully rescue her." The deputy says.

"No." I say.


"He told me he didn't want the cops involved. If he saw a cop car anywhere in sight, something bad will happen as my punishment. I have to go."

"We can't let you go in there unprotected." He says.

"But I need to be the one to go." I say.

"We will make sure you're covered. I'll have officers surrounding the area and I'll give you a bullet proof vest. We might give you an escort."

"No vest and no escort. It will be too obvious. I'll have Trevor come with me." I say.

"Are you sure?"

"Very." I say.

Within the next hour, Trevor and I are on our way to the Jenson's house in his truck. The drive there is silent which makes me think. We pull into the driveway barely fifteen minutes later. We get out of the truck and slam the doors. Within a minute Chad is walking out. "What are you two doing here?" He asks with a sneer.

"We are here to pick up Ash." I say.

"What did I tell you, Tatiana?! This is my weekend with my daughter." Chad says. He walks back inside and I start to follow. That's when the house bursts into flames.

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