Chapter Ten

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"The Mogs got Henri?" Marina asked for the fifth time. 

John sighed from his place in the passenger's seat. "Yeah, there was a video online that showed me getting Three's scar. It had to be erased where it originated." 

"So in other words, it was a trap." Marina shook her head. "He should know better." 

Sam cleared his throat from the driver's seat. "If we're really going to this place, shouldn't you have stayed back, Marina?" 

"I don't know if Henri knows about me or not," Marina countered. "But I know everything that he's done for John. I'd do the same for any of the NCIS team." 

"What was that emergency thing about?" John asked, turning to look at her. 

Marina looked down. "It was just an update on finding the Mogs." 

John didn't look like he believed her. 

Truthfully, Marina didn't believe herself, either. Because that was not what they had talked about at all.


Three Hours Earlier

"What's the big deal?" Marina asked as she closed the door behind her. 

"Why, were you making out with John or something?" Tony joked. 

"I was probably about to had my phone not rung," Marina snapped, dropping her backpack. "What's up?" 

"It's about what we found out at the mill where Malcolm worked," Gibbs told her, smirking a little at her comeback. "Savannah, pull the pictures up." 

Savannah tapped a few keys on her board, and pictures flew across the screen. All of them had one thing in common. "What in the name of Pittacus Lore?" Marina murmured in shock. "Are these all - ?" 

"All Loric numbers," Gibbs confirmed, standing up. "Somehow in some way Malcolm knew about Lorien." 

"How would he have known?" Marina wondered, turning to look at them. 

"There hasn't been a number in Paradise besides Marina now, right?" Kate asked, looking at Gibbs. 

"Not that I've been aware of," Gibbs replied, shaking his head. "Marina?" 

"No," Marina lied through her teeth easily. "I haven't found anything that says another Garde is here." 

"Then we're stuck," McGee groaned, leaning back in his chair. "Why on Earth would Malcolm know this stuff?" 

There was silence for a few minutes, then Gibbs sighed, standing from his chair. "We all need a break. Everyone's done extremely well. Come back tomorrow, OK?" 

There was muttered words of agreement from everyone, and Marina walked with Savannah down to the food court. It was a while before Savannah finally spoke. "You know, don't you?" she asked. 

"John's Number Four," Marina replied. "Yes, I know. You have too, haven't you?" 

Savannah sighed. "Yes, I do. I was there to help him through his first Legacy." 

"Good job." 

Savannah shrugged. "Some good it would do. He's next to be killed." 

"Savannah, think for a few seconds. What have I told you about the Lorien Garde?" 

"You have to be killed in order. Unless - " Savannah's eyes widened in sudden understanding. 

The Joining of Four and Seven (I Am Number Four/NCIS Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now