Chapter 2 [First Flashback]

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Author's Note:okay so tell me if you guys want me to finish this =] <3 comment and vote as always <3

===With Santana===

she threw her phone across the room hard breaking it as her tears fell conrinuisly from her eyes she felt rage anger hurt all at once and she knew she was about to burst...her rage was taking control over her body..Santana gripped hard on a wodden table as she tried to calm her now angry nerves..but once her grip got to hard on the wodden table it broke causing a loud crack sound..Santana's eyes started to turn from brown to gold to red ..they changed color as her feelings changed..Santana gripped on her hair hard as she screamed feeling the wolf in her start to take over her body..a blonde started running from the stairs as she saw her sister starting to lose it...and she knew exactly why...she ran towards her and tried to put her hand around her to calm her down ...but Santana backed up...

"NO!" Santana said as she tried to shut her eyes...she was transforming and the pain was unberable...she opened her eyes as they shone dark red....she started to take a couple of steps back.. "Stay away from could get hurt.." she said as she stopped the blonde didn't listen as she took a few steps closer to Santana..but Santana shook her head and took a few steps back ..."Caroline NO!!" Santana yelled before she bursted into the werewolf that she knew she would and ran out the door...

Caroline stood worried and scared she knew that when Santana ever bursted out like that it never endded well..she got her phone out and dialed in a number as she took her jacket and car keys and left to look for Santana...

===With Stefan===

Stefan answered his ringing phone "hello ?"

" found Dani didn't you..?" Caroline asked as she kept her eyes on the road looking left and right making her way to where she thought Santana went..Silence fell on the other side of the line for a minute before a soft sigh from Stefan escaped his lips..

"she doesn't remember..." he paused for a second as Caroline let a sigh escape her lips as she parked her car reaching where she wanted to reach she closed her eyes for a second..

"...she doesn't remember san dose she..?" Caroline asked..

" doesn't even remember who she is.."

"Santana's gone mad...Stefan i don't know where she is.." Caroline said in panic..

"Jade's gone out to look for her.." Caroline just staied quiet...Stefan knew why..."Caroline..she won't hurt anyone..." Stefan said in the most soft and comforting voice he could pull of ..he hated it when Caroline was sad...or in such panic like she is now..

"..That's what i tolled myself before...and look now Dani doesn't remember anything..and Santana's a mess...if she isn't gonna hurt anyone..she's gonna hurt herself...i know my sister.." 

"listen to me Caroline...she won't hurt anyone..or herself..i'm coming to help you and Jade.."

" you should stay with Dani.."

"Tori's with need help right now and i'm coming to help...beside's you don't have any kind of protection...and we don't want what happened to Dani to happen to you to.." Caroline sighed in defeat..

"okay fine..." 

"where are you at...?" 

"...the cave..i think San might be here..." 

"..alright i'll be there in less than 10 minutes okay..stay safe Caroline.." he said before hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket..Caroline was Santana's step sister...Stefan always seemed found of her...he always had this urge that he needed to protect her ..and her being human just gave him all the more reason to protect her...Stefan went to the door frame of the living room he made a signal to Tori..Tori gave Dani a cup of hot milk mostly to calm her shivering body...she smiled softly at her as she stood..

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