∞ the final letter ∞

1.9K 67 17

Dear Lovely Readers, 

I want to give you all a big thank you hug for reading this story - my first ever novel - and for being so lovely and supportive. This entire novel is 158529 words! THAT'S A LITTLE OVER 158K WORDS! I started writing this novel in October 2015 and finished it in August 2016 (posted it from January 2016 to August 2016). 

This is my last book/work on Wattpad as I will be leaving soon and I'm going to miss my readers terribly. 

But before I go anywhere I'd like to address a few things! 

Will there be a sequel? NO! I've thought about it a lot and I don't think I want to write a sequel. It's not because I didn't enjoy writing this novel. On the contrary actually. I just feel like I finished the purpose of this novel so there really is no need to continue it. Plus, I've got a gazillion other ideas that I really want to get to. Writing is a passion of mine so even though I am leaving Wattpad I will continue to write but offline. 

One day I may return back to Wattpad but until then this is goodbye. 

A special thank you to @clarkethevirus @cyrokinetic @KevinaOyatedor for sticking with me from the very beginning! 

And this novel is dedicated to the best people on this site who have supported me and read the chapters beforehand and giving me all the input and support I needed. I wouldn't have completed this novel without you guys. Thank you:  magnificentia beautlies efflorescences Justreading1234 

And last but not least, THANK YOU EVERYONE! For everyone who has read this book I owe you a thank you. Thank you for taking time off your day(s) to read this novel. Thank you for being thoughtful by voting and leaving such heart-warming and brilliant (and hilarious) comments. If you read the entire novel and loved it as much as I loved writing it then an even bigger THANK YOU!

Goodbye lovelies! You will be missed ❤

Anha xo

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