Chapter Three | Candy Crash!

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I didn't get a chance to reply to this 'CC' person to ask a few questions before I received another demand from them

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I didn't get a chance to reply to this 'CC' person to ask a few questions before I received another demand from them. I was sitting in the middle of maths, nearly finished solving the problems on the board, when once again my phone vibrated. For once, I hoped it was my network provider. 

No such luck.

Go find Emily and help her with carrying the new textbooks.


Emily, being the smart straight A student she was, had finished all the problems before me and was sent to collect some textbooks for us. Usually textbooks were issued on the same day as timetables but the new editions had arrived late and Emily was sent to get them. I decided to ignore the message and finish the work. 

It's not like this CC person can see me...right? 

As if someone read my mind, another message came through.



Okay, that was a bit freaky. 

I thought of a few ways to get out of class before I got another message. I wasn't finished with my works so it might be a bit difficult. I raised my hand and waited for the teacher to look up. I used the common bathroom excuse, as I couldn't think of anything creative. The teacher gave the usual short lecture about how you should go during break but reluctantly let me go when I pointed out what question I was on.

To the office, I go! 

I strolled in the general direction of the office, hoping to bump into Emily but it seemed like she was still near the offices as I got closer to the opposite side of the school. I didn't understand why I needed to go through all this effort to help her carry textbooks whilst I was still in the middle of my work. I could be done by now, but it looks like it would be done as homework now. I hope this community service project doesn't keep disturbing my education. I was round the corner from the office and there was still no sign of Emily.

I turned the corner just in time to see Emily, with textbooks towering over her head, crash straight into Jacob, who was busy concentrating on his phone. Textbooks went flying in a few directions, I could practically hear the pages singing, 'I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky'.

A couple of textbooks hit Jacob causing him to nearly lose grip of his phone. Meanwhile, Emily landed on the floor with a soft thump, the textbooks surrounding her. Ouch, that's got to hurt.

"Watch where you're going!" snarled Jacob as he glared at Emily.

"Well, if you watched where you were going, you would've seen that I couldn't see where I was going, idiot," Emily snapped before turning her attention to picking up the textbooks. Wow Emily, I wouldn't start a fight with your neighbour if I were you, he could set your house on fire or something.

"You little b-," Jacob started but I decided to make my presence known before everything got out of hand. I let out a dramatic cough, jolting them both out the start of a heated argument. I pretended that I hadn't seen anything at all.

"Hey...Emily, let me help you." I started picking up some of the scatter textbooks. I risked a glance in Jacob's direction to see his blue eyes were still trained on Emily's figure as he continued glaring. RIP Emily's house.

I noticed that Jacob had been busy playing Candy Crush so I tried to use it to diffuse the tension in the air, "So, what level are you on?" 

I nodded towards his phone. Jacob snapped out of his inner murderous monologue and turned his attention towards me instead, "Oh, I'm on level 1125 or somewhere close to there..."

"Aww man, you're way ahead. I'm only around level 850," I responded. So that's what the school's so called bad boy gets up to all day. Who would've thought...

"Oh, it get's easier after that for a while," he replied.

Emily stayed quiet during our conversation, occasionally throwing a glare in Jacob's direction. We were done picking up the textbooks so Jacob took it as his reason to leave and continue to wander the halls of the school. After a short awkward moment of saying bye, Emily and I to start out trek back to class, with the stack of textbooks shared between us.

"Thanks for helping me the the books, I don't mean to sound ungrateful but what were you doing on the other side of school?" Emily asked.

Well I got a text message that said I should help you so I left class to find you and here I am helping you. I didn't say that. Knowing I would sound less than sane, instead I responded with another lame excuse, "Oh, I excused myself from class to clear my head and just ended up bumping into you."

"Oh! I see, pretend I said nothing," she replied with a small smile. A least she bought the excuse.

"So Emily, I was wondering if could also help show the new girl around. I just need someone to help her get comfortable in a few classes that we don't share," I continued talking to fill the silence and so that the topic didn't to return to my wandering.

"Oh yeah, her name is Emma, right?" She replied. We fell into a short silence. Well at least something good came out from this mini adventure.

"Ella...Thanks for helping me back there. Jacob has been in my face since he moved in next door. He's just so infuriating! He even has the room across from mine. Do you know what it's like to open the curtains to such a view?" She started to rant about how he acted when she gave him cookies yesterday and the events that had occurred before I arrived.

"Oh yeah, I saw that! I didn't really know what it was about, you just looked so angry and he was just so chilled." I told her.

"See! That's my biggest problem with him, he can't take anything seriously. It's like he's everywhere suddenly. Sometimes I just want to get away." Emily and Jacob usually steered clear of each other paths, I could understand Emily's frustration with him. He really did act apathetic sometimes.

"Emily, just come to my house if he gets too much, my mum wouldn't mind! She's known you since forever," I advised.

"Oh thanks!" Our conversation ceased as we walked back into the classroom.


Candy Crush is the best.

Candy Crush is the best

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