Chapter Twenty Six | I'm the Teacher

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I wasn't surprised by the flyers that were handed out on Monday at school

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I wasn't surprised by the flyers that were handed out on Monday at school. I was more surprised at how early it was being held into the term. I should've signed up to help if I'd known it be over and down with very quickly.

The charity ball was held every year during the first term to raise a donation. The second term held a competition which was usually a treasure hunt of some sort and the third term was just general cake sales. There's wasn't anything major during third term because the events committee were too busy getting the farewell dance, for students in their final year of school.

There was a table set up in a hall near the office where students could buy tickets to attend. There was also boxes where you could put extra donations for those who didn't want to go or just loose change. I don't really feel like going, I better bring some money for those boxes tomorrow.

The school was buzzing about the charity ball. I knew this was the beginning and that the excitement wouldn't be dying out any time soon. I suspect at the end of the week, many teachers won't be able to control the students thus Friday afternoon lessons were usually cancelled. Most girls took that time to get ready if they went. I, on the other hand, can't wait for a long weekend...

Many students were worrying about dresses, shoes and other necessary thing for the ball. Most conversation revolved around such topics throughout the day. Even the guys were worried about their suits.

During my free period, many girls were sitting in clusters around the room with either magazines or phones looking for the perfect dress. Fortunately, I had a jail free card for such conversation. Luck is on my side for now.

Jacob was chewing on the back of his pen as he tried to solve a mathematics problem. We had just gone through the method but he was stuck on one of the steps. I waited patiently to see if he figured it out or asked for my help. Come on, you can do this.

Of course I didn't stare over his shoulder as he worked because I knew how nerve wrecking it could be. Whilst waiting for him, I started playing a bit of Candy Crush to pass the time.

"I give up," he groaned. He sighed and stretched his arms. I don't exactly blame him because it took me a while to get good at this topic.

"I don't see why you get to have all the fun," he whined in reference to Candy Crush.

"It's because I'm the teacher," I teased him.

"Well obviously because I'm too stupid to figure this out," he waved at the work in front of him.

"You're not stupid," I frowned, "we'll do this together and continue until we get it right. For all we know my teaching methods suck," I said before we delved into the problem at hand.

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