Chapter Twenty Five | Yes!

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I probably would've arrived earlier if I hadn't been so slow

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I probably would've arrived earlier if I hadn't been so slow. I grabbed the two books of Emily's, in which I had finished and leisurely strolled down the stairs. I was curious earlier but now I realise that it would probably add to the drama in my life.

"Mum! I'm going to Emily's!" I shouted by the door. I heard a muffled ok before I shut the door and started to walk towards Emily's house.

I pulled out my phone and sent Emily a quick message to let her know of my arrival as I got closer to her house. I was crossing the lawn when the door opened to show a flustered Emily. I quickened my pace towards the house. Okay, maybe I should've been a bit quicker.

"Hey, go to my room, I'll bring some snacks," Emily said. I quickly greeted her parents and made a bit of small talk before going to Emily's room.

I opened the door expecting the usual mess and clothes thrown everywhere but instead I was met with an unfamiliar sight. The bed was neatly made and there was no a single piece of clothing to be seen. Not even a personal item. Have I been transported to a parallel universe?

"Emily..." I called out wearily.

"Ella, what-" she paused to see the confusion on my face before laughing. I frowned. I wish I knew what was going on.

"This is now the guest room," she chocked out once she was done. She gestured to me to follow her.

"Oh...why'd you move?" I questioned.

"Well Jacob room is across from mines and he used to annoy me. Once he even tried to climb into my room. That was the last straw so I moved my stuff to the old guest room which is now my room," she responded.

She opened the door to her new room which was full of cluttered as I predicted. I thought back to that mini drama I saw a while back between the two. I don't even have to imagine how badly that when for you.

"What did your parents say?" I settled on the bed.

"Oh, I just told them he used to distract me when I was working with loud music and stuff." She pushed some books to the side of the desk before placing our snacks in the spot. Emily sat on her office chair and started twirling around. She didn't say anything. Now to find out why exactly did I get changed?

"Emily-" I started to enquire.

"I got asked on a date," she blurted out. Woah! Well this is certainly good news. Unless...

Most guys were intimidated by Emily's brains so many stayed clear of her path. Some cautiously befriended her but honestly I don't see what's so scary about her. She was just a sweet person. I was glad someone had to guts to finally ask her out.

"Yes!" I screamed before hugging her, "This causes for a celebration! Who asked you?"

"Max," she simply replied, whilst trying not to blush.

"Max? As in Max who makes fun of my height sometimes?"

"Yep, the same one. We were discussing our tutoring lessons and we got talking more this weekend and he asked me out just before I called you," he voice rose in excitement.

"Show me! What did he say?" I frantically looked for her phone. She too started digging around until she found it.

I know this might be a bit random and all of a sudden but I've really liked you for a while and was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime on a date?

"No wonder you called me immediately! At least you replied yes instead of leaving the poor boy hanging! Are you happy with this dating stuff?" I said, whilst opening some snacks to eat. What better way to celebrate than with food!

"Yeah. He's so hot and so nice. He looks intimidating but he's really soft spoken. He is also really funny. Oh my gosh! I can't wait to go on this date. By the way have you seen his abs?" she sent a suggestive look in my direction. I just laughed. I didn't go gallivanting into the boys changing rooms so no...

"I knew your interest in watching basketball matches weren't pure!" We both burst into fits of laughter after that.

"You should come and watch with me one of these days," she tried to persuade me.

I faked a gasp.

"What happened to that good girl I know?" I asked with fake concern.

"She was abducted by aliens!"

"I'm not sure if I want the other Emily back. The aliens can keep her," Emily threw a random item in my direction. I ducked out of the way.

"Maybe Max can help you with your throwing skills?" I suggested. Maybe I should go to him with all my dating ideas? Nah that sounds like too much work. He's better off fending for himself.

"Yeah... You know he hasn't replied after I said yes," Emily glanced at her phone.

"He probably fainted from happiness or is currently planning the best date ever. Either way you should call him later when I leave," I reassured her.

"But what if it's a mistake," she seemed insecure. Murder is the only solution.

"Well I can punch him for you and I know a few guys who will help me cause you know he's a bit tall."

"Ha ha, I can always count on you to help me," she smiled.

"Don't worry, I have your back.Now moving on..." I started.

Emily and I continued to talk for an hour afterwards and finished all the snacks. Eventually I decided to leave her to call Max and finalise the details of her date. I was honestly glad to see her so happy. This turned out to be a very successful weekend.

I walked back into my room to see the impending amount of homework lying on my desk.

I groaned.

Why hadn't I done this earlier?


What dating ideas do you have?

What dating ideas do you have?

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