Chapter Thirty One | Boyfriend????

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Today's shift would hopefully be the last one for the week

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Today's shift would hopefully be the last one for the week. I honestly wasn't really in the mood to smile and take orders. My mood had been killed at school today.

Luckily my fake smile seemed to hide my negative mood as I moved between customers. There seemed to be the easy flow of customers like yesterday. I had spotted Eva earlier but hadn't had the chance to speak more than a few words with her. She seemed to be away with the fairies anyway. She skipped between customers and had the opposite mood to my own. I wonder if she's gone on her date with Sam yet?

Eventually I got fed up and took my break. I wandered into the office to chill with my uncle. I walked in to find Sam sitting in the office. Oh, I forgot he was working today.

"Ella, to what do I owe your lovely presence?" Sam mockingly greeted.

I groaned in reply and flopped down on to my seat. Sam ignored me and continued working with the biggest grin ever. I'm not one to judge but I'm pretty sure that paperwork isn't that fun.

"So Sam, what did you get up to yesterday?" I enquired. Let's start with something easier.

"Nothing too interesting," he feigned indifference. Yeah and my favourite colour is pink.

"Oh really?"

"Mmm, yeah," he continued to flick through the papers to avoid looking at me. I was probably smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"I suppose that grin on your face has nothing to do with a certain date...?" I goaded.

"Um no," he mumbled. LIES!

"Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't go on a date yesterday!" I demanded.

"I don't have to prove anything to you!" He finally broke. He looked at me but he knew I had won.

"Too late, I already figured it out. Now if you won't tell me anything, I'll just have to ask Eva," I suggested whilst tapping my chin.

"I have nothing to say!" He tried to continue as if he hadn't given it away. I don't have time for this.

"Fine. Be like that!" I got up to leave and stomped out the office. Why can't he just tell me?

"I'll ask her," I threw over my shoulder with an evil grin.

I walked to the front to see our favourite customer had arrived. Antonio was dressed immaculately as usual. What set off warning bells was Eva was standing at the table, writing down his order. This may not end well now that Sam and Eva had a successful date from what I witness.

I turned around and went back to Sam. As I entered he looked up and said with a smug smile, "Oh you've come running back to me because you got nothing out of her?"

"Um no, Antonio's here and it looks like he's asking Eva out on a date." His face fell as soon as the words spilled from my lips. I don't think I've seen Sam move as fast as he did to go stand behind the counter. I followed behind to see the next events unfold.

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