Perfect: part 1

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Description: the reader goes to comic con to see J2 and Misha, and Misha "accidentally" spilt his coffee on her because he thought she was pretty and he needed an excuse to talk to her after the con

Author's note: I was kind of nervous posting this, because this is my first Misha fic! Please let me know how I did! (Y/N = your name) (Y/F/N = your friend's name)


You and Y/F/N had just gotten to your hotel room. You two were staying in San Diego for the weekend because of the supernatural con that was going on. You both were both excited for Jensen and Jared's show, but you were most excited for Misha's show. Misha had been your favorite actor even before Supernatural.

"Y/N, do you wanna go down and check it out? Maybe we could find some good seats," Y/F/N was looking at you. You shook your head clear and turn to look at her.

"Sure! Let's go!" you say excitedly as you grab your purse and walk out of the door with them. It takes you a few minutes to walk to the convention center where the con was. You walk through the doors and see a huge crowd of people dressed as Sam, Dean, and Cas. There were also many people dressed as Gabriel, Lucifer, and many other characters. There were many stands where you could buy t-shirts, hats, pants, and many other supernatural attire and nicknacks.

Y/F/N ran off to go buy some souvenirs. You walked through the crowd and back outside; you'd never been a fan of crowds. You spotted a bench near the doors and went and sat. You pulled out your phone and texted Y/F/N.

Wanna meet back up at the hotel around noon?

It took her a few minutes before she replied.

Yeah, I'm just gonna walk around and buy a bunch of shit I really don't need! Have fun!

You put your phone away and grabbed your book from your bag. You set your book on your lap and started reading.

Misha pulled up to his spot just in time for the convention. He shut his car off and got out. He began to walk up to the building when he spotted a girl sitting alone on a bench, reading. You looked lonely and he felt the need to comfort her. He walked up and sat next to you. You didn't even look up, you thought it was just some stranger; he cleared his throat to get your attention. You looked up and that's when he saw your beautiful eyes. He didn't know what to say, so he just smiled.

"Misha Collins?" you asked him as you gasped in disbelief. He laughed and nodded yes.

"Yup, that's me," he said happily, "You here for the convention today?"

You nod, "Yeah, my friend and I are here for the whole weekend."

"That's cool. If you don't mind me asking, where are you guys from?" he asked politely. 

"I don't mind at all. We're from a little town in midwestern Wisconsin. We made it a summer road trip," you answered him, trying not to smile too much. But it was hard not to.

"Woah, that's a long drive!" Misha laughed, "It's great to know how much passion or fans have though. I like your shirt, that's quite a handsome fella on there isn't it?" He winked and you looked down. You had forgotten that you were wearing a tank top with a picture of Cas on the front. You laughed and nodded.

"Best looking guy on the set," you said in a jokingly manner. But of course you had meant it; for he was your favorite. He laughed and pulled out a sharpie from his pocket.

"Can I sign your shirt?" He asked wiggling the market in his fingers you nod and turn your back to him. You feel his large, warm hand on your back, smoothing out your shirt. When he was done he stood up and looked at his watch.

"Well I have to get my makeup done, so I must be going. It was nice talking to you, uh..."


"It was nice meeting you Y/N. I'll see you later, I hope," he said as he began to walk away.

"Bye Misha," you whispered. He wanted to turn back around and stay longer, but he had to get going in order to get ready for the convention.

Once Misha walked away, you looked back at your book but you didn't read. You tried to get your breathing back to normal. You couldn't believe that Misha Collins had actually sat down and talked to you. What was so special about you? Nothing, you thought.

You pulled out your phone. There was still an hour before you had to go meet your friend. You stood up and stretched out your arms. You gently placed your book back in your bag and walked down the sidewalk. On your way to the convention center you had seen a cool looking book store. You started walking in that direction.

After thirty minutes of looking in the bookstore, you found what you were looking for. And old, first edition of To Kill A Mockingbird. It had been your favorite book since high school. You walk out the door and walk slowly towards the hotel.

You had reached the hotel just on time. Your friend was already there. She was picking out what they were going to wear to the convention and then the after pictures. You had decided earlier on blue jeans, boots, and a flannel with a white t-shirt with the picture of Sam, Dean, and Cas on it. You grabbed the clothes out of your bag and walked into the bathroom and changed. You walked out and saw your friend had changed as well, while you were in the bathroom. You held up your shirt for her to see Misha's signature. She gasped and grabbed the shirt from your hands.

"When...I mean how, like...what?" She stuttered out. You then told her the story of how Misha had just came up, sat down, and started talking to you. She didn't believe you.

"Well, when we see Misha tonight for our picture, you can ask him," you told her, "Now come on, we're going to be late."

The convention and pictures with Jensen and Jared was amazing. You and Y/F/N had walked back to the hotel to chill until Misha's show.

When you arrived, you friend spotted seats up front. She practically ran to the seats; you don't blame her, waiting for this trip and seeing Misha had been torture. All of your guys' excitement was coming out now.

Soon enough, the whole room was filled with people and music had begun to play. That was everyone's cue to shut up. You hear an anouncer's voice on the speakers.

"And now, from Supernatural, Misha Collins!" The crowd roared and stood up. Misha ran out from the right side of the stage.

"I'm going to go get in line to all him a question," your friend whispered to you. You nodded and looked back up to Misha.

"Hello people of San Diego and people of elsewhere in the world," Misha spoke into his mic. People screamed their greetings back to him. He laughed and scanned the crowd.

"I'll think we'll start with some questions. You there, on the left," he pointed to the side of which he was talking about. You patiently sat there, watching and listening to Misha until it was Y/F/N's turn to ask a question.

"Hi Misha, just wanted to say that your awesome and ask you, did you or did you not talk with my friend and sign her shirt before the convention," her voice shook a little, you could tell she was nervous. You certainly couldn't talk in front of ask these people.

"That is true, I did do that," Misha answered, "Where is she now?" Your friend pointed to you. You felt a lot of eyes on you; you suddenly felt very warm. Your palms were sweaty. Misha swung his head towards you and smiled.

"Hi Y/N!" Misha's voice could make you melt. You wave at him and smile. "Why don't you come join me up here?" Misha beckoned you up to the stage. You mouthed the word no and shook your head. You felt as if you were going to faint. Misha got down of the stage and walked straight for you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up stage.

"Here, have a seat," he said quietly with the mic held away from his mouth. You sat down on a stool. Misha went to walk around you and the little table, when his foot caught the edge of the table, sending his coffee all over you. You stood up and looked at your clothes. You started laughing and looked back at Misha. He was laughing too.

"I'll replace your clothes, so uh...wanna meet up after the con?" He asked. You couldn't believe your ears. You nod yes. I hope I'm doing the right thing, you think to yourself. But you shake your head clear and sit back down on the stool. Misha talked to you for a few minutes before sending you back down to your seat.

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