Perfect: part 3

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You and Misha sat at a table near the front window. You both sat back, sipping at your shakes; laughing and talking. The waitress came up to the table and placed a receipt inbetween you and Misha.

“You guys want a box?” The lady asked as she leaned onto her one hip.

“Yes please,” Misha said politely as he looked you in the eyes and smiled before taking another sip of his drink.  You stared back at him. His eyes were beautiful. They seemed to be staring right into your soul.

“So uh, what are we going to do now?” You ask shyly as you bit your lip and fluttered your eyelids. He looked like he was in deep thought for a moment before answering.

“We could um…go back to my hotel room? Watch a movie or two? Finish this pizza,” he chuckled nervously as he ran his hand through his hair. You loved how his hair looked so perfect all the time, even when it was messy. Just then a different waitress came back with a box and what looked like a sheet of paper.

“I really hope I’m not like, interrupting anything, but uh…would it be okay if I got your signature?” The teen squeaked. You could tell she was a fan. Misha stood up and grabbed the picture, of him of course, and signed it. He then asked if she had a phone. She took it out of her pocket and Misha asked you to take a picture of them. You smiled and snapped a picture using the girls phone. She looked like she was going to cry from excitement.

“Thank you thank you thank you sooo much Misha!” She gushed as Misha brought her in for a hug before she walked away and he sat back down.

“Do you always get people like that?” You ask him, “I don’t know if I could ever deal with people gushing all over me.” You laugh a little and reach for the receipt. He pushed your hand away and snatches it before you can.

“You get used to it. Besides, it’s great to see that people appreciate your work,” he smiled and pulled a few bills out of his wallet and layed them onto the table. You began to put the remaining four pieces of pizza into the box. Misha then stood up and grabbed the box before holding out his arm for you. You smiled and grabbed your purse before reaching for his arm. You gripped his forearm, which was solid and warm. He walked you out of the restaurant and to his car. You let go of his arm to walk to the passenger side of the car. You slide in and buckle up.

“How far of a drive is it?” You ask him while flipping through the radio stations. You could feel him watching you.

“About a half an hour, back to my hotel if that’s what you wanted to do. You never answered me,” his voice rumbled as he laughed a bit. You smile.

“I’d love to Misha,” you said looking up at him. The curve of his lips made you go wild. You lean back in your seat, hands in lap, as Misha drove out onto the highway. When you had been on the road for a few minutes you noticed that Misha’s hand had crept closer and closer to yours. A surge of bravery caused you to lace your fingers with his. You looked over at him. He was smiling as he kept his eyes on the road.

Thirty minutes later you two arrived at his hotel. Misha parked the car and looked at you before bringing your hand close to his lips. His breath was warm and tickled your skin. His somewhat chapped lips touched the top of your hand before letting go and getting out of the car. You got out and waited for him to grab the pizza and lock his car. He walked up to you and grabbed your hand as you two walked into the lobby and into the elevator. On floor 12, it stopped and he led you to a door numbered “1217”. He took the key card and swiped. Misha opened the door and let you go in first. You saw a hot tub and a kitchen.

“Fancy,” you joke around as you see him close the door gently. You follow him as he walks over to the fridge and places the pizza box in there.

“Haha, yeah, I guess,” he chuckled, “Now um, what kind of movies do you like to watch?” You placed your fingers over your mouth as you thought.


“Meet the Parents? I’ve always found that one funny,” Misha said as you and him walked back to the living area. Which included a couch and a few recliner chairs.

“Yeah, that’s an awesome movie! Let’s watch it!” You say as you sit down onto the couch. Misha plugs his chrome cast into the tv and starts playing Meet the Parents through Netflix. He turned and began walking slowly towards you. He plopped down on the couch and turned the volume up a bit. You shivered a bit, it was a tad chilly in the room. Misha noticed. He got up without saying a word and left the room. A moment later he reappeared with a sweatshirt. As he was walking towards you he switched the light off.

“Don’t argue, just put it on,” he said as he sat back down handing the huge sweatshirt to you. You smile and slip it on. His scent fills your nostrils as you pull the sleeves over your hands and slip your shoes off. The movie began to play and yours and Misha’s hands found each other once again.

“Would it be okay if I put my arm around you?” You felt Misha’s eyes on you as you lead his hand around your body. You turned and cuddled into his chest.

“You make me so happy Y/N,” Misha whispered as he leaned down and kissed your forehead. You sat up slightly and caught his lips with yours. You moved, without breaking the kiss, so you were now straddling his hips. His hands ran down your back and pulled you towards his chest. Your hands ran through his soft, messy, black hair. You forced yourself to push back away from him.

“I don’t like going too fast,“ you whisper, “I hope you don’t mind waiting.” You rest your forehead against his. He leaned forwards and pecked your lips.

“I'd wait forever for you Y/N,” Misha whispered back, “Your friend is probably worried about you. I can bring you back to your hotel if you-” you cut him off with kiss.

“I’ll text her, let he know im staying here tonight,” you say as you get up off from his lap and walked over to where you dropped your purse to pull out your phone. “If you want me to stay,” you add quietly. You look up to where Misha was still sitting. He stood up and walked over to you.

“Of course I want you to stay,” he said as he hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek as you texted Y/F/N. You put your phone in your pocket and turned around to hug him.

“I suppose you’ll need some sweatpants or something to sleep in? I can’t imagine skinny jeans are comfortable to sleep in,” he said as he pushed you away slightly. You laughed.

“No, they’re not very comfy to sleep in.”

“Well, let’s go see what I’ve got shall we?” Misha grabbed your hand and led the way into the bedroom. He let go to search through his suitcase. He pulled out two pairs. One for you and one for him. You two got dressed, in separate areas. After that you two finished the movie, cuddling, holding hands, and kissing. Once the movie ended, Misha turned the tv off and stood up. You were half asleep when he stood up that you just spread out on the couch and began to fall asleep.

“The bed is much more comfortable,” Misha whispered in your ear as he crouched beside the couch. You opened your eyes and nodded. You held out your arms. He laughed and then stood up, with you in his strong arms. After he set you gently on the bed, you snuggled beneath the covers. Misha cuddled in besides you. And just like that, you were asleep.

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