Perfect: part 2

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"Are you okay?" your friend asked you, "You look a bit flushed." You look down at your hands.

"Yeah, I'm okay, i just nervous for meeting Misha afterwards," you say quietly looking back up to Misha who was still sharing stories with the crowd.

"How are you nervous about just talking to him!?" Your friend exclaimed, "You just got coffee spilled on you in front of hundreds of people. Plus, it'll be on YouTube, for like, ever!" You hit her arm.

"Shut up, don't remind me!" You yell at her. She just laughs and turns her attention back to the stage.

You and Y/F/N sit through the rest of Misha's showing. He waves and walks off the stage. Your friend pulls you from your seat and drags you into the line for individual photos with Misha. You two stand in line for about an hour before you reach the door. A security person opened the door and ushered you two into the small room.

"Y/N!" Misha says excitedly as he walks over and gives you a hug, "I'm so sorry about your clothes and-"

"Misha! It's fine! It was pretty funny," you interrupted him. He smiles and then ducks his head down a little (gif). You smile back.

"Let's get this picture done!" Your friend exclaimed as she walked to the other side of Misha. He put his arm around Y/F/N's shoulders and his other arm around you waist, pulling you both into him. Your friend giggled and gushed like a teen. You felt a huge smile creeping at the corner of your mouth.

"3...2...1," the photographer counts down before a flash of blinding light and a click. Misha let's his arms fall back to his side. As he swings his arm down from your side, his hand lingers on the small of your back. You feel your breath caught in your throat. It was just my imagination, you think to yourself as you watch him give Y/F/N a hug and sign her shirt. He then turns to you with his gorgeous smile and messy hair.

"Thanks for coming," he grabs a picture of himself out of a folder sitting on a stool, "This is for you." You take it from him. Your fingers brush against his. You feel your heart start to pound again as you look at the picture. It's a very sexy picture of him with his signature and a little note written on the top left corner. You smile as you read it. It says: To the very beautiful Y/N, it's like to hang out with you later. Would that be okay? Love Misha Collins.

"Yes, I'd love to," you said in barely a whisper. You see him smile as you shook your head yes.

"Alright, well, meet me by my car in 2 hours and I'll show ya around town," Misha waved as you and your friend walked out of the room. She squeals in excitement. All you can do is try to breath normal and calm yourself down. Is this a date, you asked yourself, of course not, Misha wouldn't do that with a person like me.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up!" Y/F/N grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the convention center. You two ran/walked back to your hotel room. Your friend decided to go through your suitcase as you say down on the bed. She pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a red tank top. She threw them at you and told you to change. You got up and rolled your eyes. Once you were changed, Y/F/N re-straightened your hair. You got up and thanked her before sitting down in the bed and turning the tv on.

"So, is this a date?" She asks you as you decided on the TV show 'friends'.

"No, well...I honestly don't know," you mumble as you get up and go to the mini fridge and grab an apple and a water, "Just leave it alone for now, okay?" She nods and looks back at the tv. You sit back down next to her in silence until you decided that it was time to start walking back to the convention center.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Y/F/N asked you. You picked up your purse and slung it over your head and onto your shoulder. You shook your head no.

"No I'm fine," you answer as you plug your headphones into your phone. She nods.

"Okay, and when you get back you're telling me EVERYTHING!" she pointed a finger at you as you opened the door and said goodbye.

You walked up to Misha's car in the same moment he walked out of the doors. You pulled your headphones out and shoved them in your purse. You see him give your body a look.

"You look so good," he says as he walks up to you. He opens the door for you. "After you." You smile and get in as you watch him walk around the front of the car and slide into the drivers seat.

"Where to first?" He looks at you.

"I don't know, I right you said you were going to show me around," you laughed a little.

"What about some supper? I know this fantastic pizza place on the other side of town, you want to go?" He asks you as he starts the car.

"Pizza is probably like my favorite food, so yeah, I'm game for that," you hear Misha laugh. You look over and smile. You felt so lucky. Why did Misha choose me? Why do I deserve this? Never mind that. Just enjoy this, you thought to yourself as Misha began to drive down the street.

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