Chapter 5

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   "This is the nomination ceremony. It is my responsibility as the head of household to nominate two houseguest for eviction. First house guest I have nominated is..." Paulie turned the first key and I appear, I gave two thumbs up.

"The next houseguest I have nominated is..." he turned the next key and Bronte appears on the screen, she smiled.

   "I have nominated you, Rosa and you, Bronte. Rosa, I wasn't really sure where you are at the first couple weeks of this game, still not really sure where you are at. Mainly it's because you said my brother was more attractive than me."

   We laughed, "Bronte same thing in your situation. There was somebody that was gunning after me and at the end of the day you were part of that situation. This nomination ceremony is adjourned."

I stood up with the others. "Cody's just a stud!"

• • •

Diary Room

"Okay, so I need to backtrack from the last time I was in here. Basically to keep my word with Paul because I'm serious about working with him, I volunteered to be a pawn when they mentioned Paul. I knew the plan was to backdoor Victor and putting Bronte up 'kept Victor nice and calm' according to Paulie... I can't believe I'm a pawn the second week of Big Brother. Johnny Mac I'm coming for your spot pal!" I exclaimed pointing at the camera in the diary room.

• • •

Right after I left the diary room I saw everyone in the kitchen and I headed towards the pantry. I was looking through the fridge when the door opened.

Paul walked in with his arms up. "Were you so focused on this sitting duck you forgot to look after yourself?"

I laughed and shut the refrigerator. "Your name floated out there for being a pawn to get someone else out and I volunteered to show my words true."

He nodded, "So... who is the target Bronte?"

   I shook my head, "Don't let him know but it's Victor. No idea why Bronte is up there but it's going to be a backdoor. Paulie's weird revenge I guess. And if you were the pawn, Victor would've been beside you and if he pulled himself down you'd be the next target. Best case scenario, trust me."

He nodded and hugged me, "Thank you. The sitting ducks."

• • •

I walk outside and I see the BBRV again. Last time I saw this thing I had to take off all my clothes.

I walked inside and read the directions. "...You need to return some of your souvenirs for gas money. Eighteen dollars of gas money to be exact..."

Alright I wouldn't mind winning this. I hit the buzzer and immediately knew I was going for. The first time I buzzed in I was correct. I danced a little bit.

• • •

"It's now time to secretly reveal the bb roadkill winner. Inside the tackle box it will reveal if you won or lost. Go to your tackle box now, take a peek and good luck."

I reached my tackle box and opened it. I peeked in and saw, "loser" I nodded and turned to look at everyone else.

We all go back inside and other people in my alliance shake their head as to say, "We didn't get it."

Big Brother 18 // Paul AbrahamianWhere stories live. Discover now