Chapter 9

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I don't feel bad about the situation. This is the Big Brother house. You can bounce checks in here. I have the whole house behind me. I have to make sure I send one of them home because it could come back and hurt my game. I just need to wait and lay low next week. So far I have won one H.O.H., two veto's and one roadkill which potentially could hurt my game.
For now I am just going to relax.

Da'Vonne, Zakiyah and I were in the pantry when Paul walked through the door. After the door closed we all started dancing together. We had to do the storage room dance, it was the perfect week to do it.

• • •

I was listening to music in my H.O.H. bed. The door opened and Frank walked in. I sat up and took the headphones off.

"Sorry I just wanted to talk real quick." He said sitting on the couch. "Despite what you told Bridgette. I'm not mad at you for what you did. But poor Bridge, she's hurt emotionally because she really felt like you and her were close."

I hugged a pillow, "It's Big Brother you know? I like playing the game. You all are badass."

He shook his head, "You acted like you wanted to work with us."

I sighed, "I don't understand how every time there is arguments or fights your name is in it. Besides the fact that you went around the house trying to get me out?" What did he expect?

"I don't know why people put me in a bad light. I'm a loyal guy. You know if things go right this week, if you give me the chance I will go to bat for you. I wasn't a scandalous player in my season. I'm trying to wipe away this stigma and I can't it stuck to me. I don't feel like the drama springs from me. I feel like the drama springs from one person throwing my name out left and right and talking out 'blackjack.' You know who that dealer is. She's the one that is painting me a bad picture everywhere."

Frank is trying to play victim and I don't want to be on his sinking ship.

"I'm asking you to put her up if one of us come down... there's no hard feelings." He got up and we hugged.

"I know it's just a game." I said rolling my eyes at the camera.

• • •

   "Hey, everybody it's time to pick partners for the veto competition!" I called stepping out from the diary room. After everyone sat down i began talking, "Only six people will participate in the veto competition. The head of household, the two nominees and three other players selected by random draw. Will the nominees please join me up here?"

I'm feeling pretty good about this situation. The whole house wants Frank out and I feel like they are going to fight to keep the nominations the same.

Frank and Bridgette stood next to me.

   "I, as head of household, and the two nominees will each pull a chip out of the box to determine the three other players competing in the veto competition. As H.O.H. I will pick first." I reached in and pulled out a chip, "Michelle!" She cheered and joined us.

Bridgette picked next, "Da'Vonne!" We clapped for her as she stood up. Frank picked next and pulled Nicole's chip. We cheered for her and she stood next to Michelle. "Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin. Good luck!"

Big Brother 18 // Paul AbrahamianWhere stories live. Discover now