Chapter 28

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Also--do you guys have any fun ideas for Rosa's BB Comic? The competition is coming up and I want your guy's input for it! You can suggest names or describe how you think Rosa plays the game. We can all help each other out with this!

"Houseguest, the power is back up for grabs! Rosa, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete. Welcome to the Big Brother slide in theatre..." Julie explained the game.

I waited in anticipation to watch everyone fall down.


Everyone slid down and much to my dismay, no one fell yet.

"Hello again houseguest!" Julie greeted minutes later. "How's everyone doing? You are all hanging in there."

"It's fun!" Nicole shouted, I didn't answer out of laughter; Paul was slipping.

"I think Rosa is getting quite a show, she's having a good time back there." Julie laughed.

I put two thumbs up. "Ah, I love it." I said in between laughs.

"Goodnight and good luck houseguest!"

• • •

"Maybe you should put push your feet sideways when you come up instead of straight on." I advised whoever was listening.

Then it happened, a slam like music to my ears. Paul slid and fell on his ass.

"My God, you are so graceful." I said with tears in my eyes.

He kept laughing as he was sliding all over the place.

"Corey's in the lead, Nicole is in second, James is going for the big scooper and Paul's eating it." I announced.

• • •

There was a point I started feeling bad for Paul. He probably couldn't tell as I was wheezing on the floor from laughing so hard, but I did. The guilt happened after the big tenth fall.

"This is kind of embarrassing!" Paul said getting up. "You know, out of all the damn competitions you get to watch your boy closely in Rosa, it had to be this one."

• • •

"Corey is still in the lead but-" I was cut off by James slamming into the ground. "Ooh, are you alright?"

He didn't answer as he trying to run up but stayed in the same place.

I laughed, "Jame's stays in the same place for ten minutes." I watched for another minute, "Jame's is doing the running man." He always has teased me to hell, it's time for me to return the favor.

He dropped and starting crawling, "You got me grandma crawling up this thing!"

• • •

"Congratulations Corey, you are the next head of household!" I cheered, backing up as he tried to hug me.

I turned around as Paul happily slid down, munching on his hot dog. I shook my head smiling.

Big Brother 18 // Paul AbrahamianWhere stories live. Discover now