Chapter 21

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I will never be able to express how thankful I am for all of you. We just reached 10,000 reads, 300 votes and 100 comments! I am in shock. I do this all for you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Regardless of the amount of reads, votes or comments I'm always so thankful for you guys.

To show my appreciation I am uploading this and two other chapters at once along with an interview at the beginning of the story so, you can get to know Rosa a little better. Also, I went back and fixed every chapter in this story! Don't worry, there weren't any drastic changes to make you have to read the whole book over again. I just fixed and reworded a lot of it!

I have a feeling you will all love this chapter and the next one (; thanks again💘

Natalie and Michelle felt so bad about putting me on the block that they let me use the H.O.H. shower. As I was drying off my hair and debating what nail polish color Michelle should use James and Natalie came in and sat with her.

"Paul's pissed--at them for making up lies and stuff." I quickly finished my sentence knowing it sounded like he was mad at them.

"It's just when I heard James' name." Natalie explained shaking her head.

"No, I get it! It's terrifying." I shrugged it off, what's done is done.

"I trusted you guys, one hundred percent. But then James' name came into it-"

James cut her off, "She went into protect mode!" He really does love her, it's adorable.

"They knew that was your soft spot!" Michelle stated shaking her head.

"They know that!" Natalie agreed with her.

"They know that she loves James, a lot!" James really is enjoying the situation.

"I get it and it's alright! It's good." I don't want them to think I'm mad at them.

Paul opened the door and made sure Nat had calmed down after earlier. He turned towards her and asked, "Trust me now?"

She laughed at him and nodded.

"Look, I'm not mad!" He waved it off.

She shook her head, "I used my one H.O.H. on an idiot move!"

Paul was still trying to make her feel better, "They're sneaky! I know how they work."

"What pisses me off though, is how much Nicole is enjoying it right now. The biggest smile has been on her face. It's like, 'Gasp! My plan actually worked.'" I said imitating Nicole.

"What if Rosa wins the POV, pulls herself down and Corey gets her place. It will be a clean backdoor." Michelle suggested.

"Look tomorrow if you pull 'houseguest choice' you clearly already will but, pick James." Paul added.

"Do we have your permission to blow this shit up?" I asked wanting Natalie's honest opinion on it. It's her H.O.H. and I would respect her decision.

"Yep!" She confirmed smiling.

• • •

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