A Burning Bellyache (Harry)

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Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing fantastic! This was a request I've written for TaylorSwift15 :) hopefully it's what you were hoping for!
* A warning for you all, this one is also one that includes diarrhea. *
Please remember to vote, and comment!!! You're fabulous!
Anywho... enjoy the story

"This is delicious!" Harry exclaimed, taking a second bite of curry.
The lads were having a nice evening out at an Indian buffet in downtown Salt Lake City Utah, where they were currently staying during their American leg of the tour.
Louis chuckled, "That good eh?"
Harry nodded, practically stuffing his mouth full. He was starving, and he loved spicy food.
"Don't eat too fast Haz, you'll get a bellyache." Liam warned. 
Harry shook his head, "I'm fine Li!" He smiled, "Why don't you start eating your food and focus on yourself instead of me, yeah?"
Liam rolled his eyes, but didn't hesitate and took a cautious bite of his own curry. "Whoa!" He dropped his fork to his plate, and grabbed his water quickly, taking three large gulps. "That is spicy! And I only got the mild!"
Harry laughed, and brought another heaping forkful to his mouth.
"What kind did you get H?" Niall asked.
Harry grinned proudly, "Extra Spicy. The hottest they had."
"You're crazy mate." Louis shook his head.
He and Niall had each gotten the 'Medium Spicy' curry, and their mouths and insides were on fire.
Harry shrugged, and quickly finished his plate. "I'm getting more! Anybody with me?" He asked, nodding towards the buffet table.
The boys shook their heads, they'd had enough spice for a whole year. Yes, it was that spicy.
"Suit yourselves." Harry sighed and headed to dish himself up more extra spicy curry, sautéed jalapeños, and rice.
Four plates of curry later, Harry finally decided he'd had his fill, much to the other boys' relief. They'd just been watching him eat, as they had finished long before.
"You must've been hungry." Niall laughed, "You ate more than me!"
Harry nodded, "I was hungry!!" He placed a hand on his stomach, which was now quite bloated, "But not anymore. I'm actually pretty full."

The boys headed out to the tour bus, and Harry immediately lay across the couch, rubbing his stomach, which was starting to hurt a bit.
Louis plopped down beside him. "Still feeling full Hazza?" He asked.
Harry nodded.
Louis examined him and laughed, "You look full too! Your belly is poking out a bit!" He said, poking Harry's bare tummy where his tight shirt had ridden up the slightest bit.
Harry bit his lip, hard, trying to ignore the pain in his stomach that Louis had made worse. He chuckled uneasily, "I guess I overdid it."
Louis smirked, "Think so?" He slapped Harry's stomach, joking around with him, knowing he was feeling full.
"Louuuu!!!" Harry whined, wrapping his arms around his stomach.
Louis cackled with laughter, knowing he had caused Harry a bit of discomfort. That had been his goal. He didn't know however, how badly he'd hurt the lad's stomach. If he'd known how bad Harry was feeling, he would've rethought his actions.
"Sorry not sorry!" Louis chirped, skipping off to his bunk to find his headphones.
A short while later, the boys pulled up to their hotel. Harry was so glad, all he wanted to do was curl up in his sweatpants and lie down in bed. He had a dreadful stomach ache, and he could feel the curry firing through his insides. It was burning his poor tummy and lower abdomen.
"We're here mate!" Liam said, reaching for Harry's hand and yanking him into a standing position.
Harry nodded, and followed the lads off the bus and into the hotel, discretely rubbing his wildly churning belly beneath his shirt.
The boys, excitedly chatting about their tour, didn't notice his discomfort.
The boys' conversation however, was cut short when Niall felt a light tug on the back of his jacket. He turned around to see a young girl, who couldn't be older than twelve or thirteen, standing there, her face a bright pink. The boys immediately knew she was a fan, when they noticed her shirt, which read: I don't care unless you're Harry Styles.
"Well hello love," Niall smiled at her. "What's your name?"
"Darcy." The girl whispered.
Harry, who had been in somewhat of a daze, feeling so ill, snapped out of it as Louis elbowed him, casting his eyes towards the girl, Darcy's, shirt.
Harry followed his gaze, and smiled seeing her shirt with his name on it. "Darcy you said? That's a lovely name."
The girl blushed more, turning a deep red and smiling shyly.
Liam laughed, realizing that the girl only seemed to have eyes for Harry.
"We're going to head over to the lounge here Haz. Why don't you and Darcy spend a couple of minutes together."
Louis and Niall smiled, following Liam over to the neighboring lounge.
"So, Darcy you're a fan huh?"Harry asked.
Darcy nodded, but frowned.
"What's wrong love?" Harry asked, gently cupping her chin in his large hands.
"Nothings wrong.... with me at least... but Harry are you ill?"
Harry shook his head and put on his best smile, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." His stomach gurgled audibly, and Darcy shook her head.
"You're pale, you're sweating buckets, you're shaking, rubbing your stomach, you just don't look well..." Darcy looked very upset, her eyes sad and full of worry.
Harry sighed, and bent down a bit, to meet her eye level. "Darcy... can you keep a secret?"
Wide-eyed, the young girl nodded, eager that the Harry Edward Styles, was trusting her with a secret.
"I'm feeling quite ill to be honest." He whispered.
Her frown deepened, "Are you okay? What are you sick with?"
"I've got a killer belly ache, and having light hot flashes... but nothing to fret about love."
Darcy placed her hand on Harry's bloated tummy. "You poor thing. Do the boys know?"
Harry shook his head, "And they won't need to know. This is our little secret, got it?"
Darcy smiled slightly, "G-got it."
Harry grinned, "Right. Well how about a picture? A selfie?"
Darcy nodded and pulled out her phone, snapping a couple of pictures.
Afterwards, Harry gave her a lingering hug.
"Get feeling better okay?" Darcy insisted.
"I will. Don't worry about me." He kissed the top of her head, and suddenly felt a dyer pain in his lower stomach. He needed the bathroom... and now.
"It was nice meeting you love. Now if you'll excuse me... I've got to get going..." he said apologetically, before practically running to the bathroom.
Darcy frowned, she knew he was definitely feeling really sick. She hurried to the lounge, where the boys were sipping cocoa waiting for Harry.
"Oh, well hello Darcy!" Louis exclaimed seeing the girl.
"Hi! Listen, I've got to get back up to my room.. but I wanted to let you know..." Darcy bit her lip. She felt guilty, she had made a promise not to tell, but at the moment Harry's health seemed more important. "Harry's not well. I thought you should know. He's feeling really sick."
Liam nodded, finding the girl's concern cute, but was not convinced that Harry was actually ill. He was sure they would've noticed.
"Well thanks for letting us know. We will keep an eye on him." Niall said with a smile.
Darcy nodded happily and headed for the elevator, bidding the boys goodbye.

Meanwhile, Harry sat on the toilet in the restroom, miserably releasing his bowels, not feeling well at all. He hated this. So much.
He finally finished, well for the time being... and cleaned himself up, before heading out to the lads in the lounge.
"Took ya long enough mate!" Niall exclaimed, standing up. "C'mon! Let's get up to our room. I'm exhausted."
Harry nodded, and the boys headed for their hotel room.
Louis and Harry claimed one bed, while Liam grabbed the other.
"Nuh uh! No way!" Niall exclaimed, "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as Liam again! He kicks me in his sleep and won't shut up! It's your turn Lou! You and Liam sleep in the same bed tonight. It's not fair that I always have to!"
Liam pouted his lip, "Hey! I have ears you know!"
The boys all giggled, well except Harry. He was already curled up in a ball on his bed, silently suffering through the intense burning in his stomach and intestines.
"Aw Liam! Don't feel bad! I'll sleep with you!" Louis smiled, and hopped up beside Liam, hugging him tightly, laughing. "I'll be a good friend!"
Liam shook his head chuckling, and pried Louis from himself as the two of them climbed under the covers, ready for sleep.
Niall climbed in beside Harry and Harry frowned. He loved all the lads, but he and Lou had a special bond, and Louis was always up to cuddle. All Harry wanted at the moment was a nice tummy rub from his best friend, but of course, this had to be the one night that it wasn't possible.
After about ten minutes of lying in bed, Harry felt a familiar burning deep in his lower stomach. He leapt from the bed and hurried into the restroom.
He cried quietly, as farts continuously eccaped. He couldn't find much relief though, as nothing but air came out.  Eventually he gave up and stumbled back to his bed.
He went through the same process several times that night, and it was around three am when he finally broke.
He awoke again, a painful churning in his belly, and groaned. He climbed out of bed and padded toward the bathroom. He shut the door, and his bowels finally released more of his curry from ealier. It burned not only on the inside, but it burned his skin.
Not being able to control himself any longer, Harry started sobbing. 

Louis awoke as Harry got up for what felt like the hundredth time, and headed for the restroom.
Louis, worried and curious as to why Harry kept getting up, tiptoed to the bathroom and listened beside the door, hoping to get a clue as to what was going on.
Louis was worried when he heard sobbing through the door, and what sounded like wet farting noises.
"Harry? Are you okay?" He whispered through the door.
"N-no..." Harry whimpered, pushing more of the digested curry out of his system.
Louis frowned, and pushed open the surprisingly unlocked door. He could physically feel pain in his heart at the sight of the boy. He was sitting on the toilet, his hair drenched with sweat, his face red, and tears streaming from his eyes. "Oh Harry..."
Louis grabbed a washcloth and wet it with cool water, placing it on the curly haired boy's neck, and rubbing his swollen stomach.
"I don't feel well...." Harry moaned, gripping Louis' wrist tightly.
"I know, and I'm so sorry Haz." Louis replied.
Harry sighed, letting out more painful diarrhea.
Louis continued rubbing his poor belly until finally, Harry nearly fell off the toilet, being so sick and exhausted.
Louis held the boy's arms and kept him steady as Harry took care of his own sore body.
When he finished, Louis guided him back to his bed where Niall lay waiting, wide awake.
"M-medicine?" Harry asked aoftly.
Louis sighed, "yeah. I know it's late but I'm going to have to go out to get the medicine at the store."
Harry sighed, not wanting to be alone again and started to cry.
"Hey, don't cry it's okay." Louis said sweetly. "I'll be back before you know it."
Niall reached out and rubbed Harry's stomach, "You sick hazza?"
Harry nodded, and pushed Niall's hand away angrily, "Don't touch me!"
Harry, didn't want comfort from Liam or Niall. He wanted his best friend Harry 
Niall drew his hand back, and Liam came over to them. He placed his hand on Harry's shoulder, only to receive the same reaction. Harry screamed. He was having none of it. The boys tried and tried to help until they could do no more.
When Louis arrived back, he saw Harry curled up in the fetal position, bawling. He immediately crawled up next to him and held him close, as Niall had decided it would be best if he got back to the bed he was originally going to share with Liam.
"Mmm Louis cuddles." Harry mumbled half asleep, while passing a bit of gas.
Louis chuckled and helped Harry take a couple pills, before more cuddling. Harry leaned into his touch , "Don't leave again." He muttered.
" 'Course not Haz." Louis smiled down at the sick lad, hoping he felt better soon.

There we go! Hope it's not awful! It's nearly 3 am here.
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