Ch. 26 - Apricots and Dragon Fruit

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"Ivy, are we ever going to talk about what happened?"

I finish pulling my hair into a ponytail, turning from the bathroom mirror to face Elliott. "Sure." I take my phone off the counter and leave the bathroom. "Can you wake up Jonas? His tryouts are in two hours. Let him know there are Cheerios in the cabinet. I'll be back soon."

Elliott sighs. "Yeah."

"Thanks!" I smile and spin around to give him a small kiss before heading downstairs.

My mom moved out of the guest house three nights ago, the day after "the reveal." That's what I'm calling it.

So far, I've been keeping myself put together. I decided it's better to just not think about any of it. Elliott really hasn't pushed me too much on it, though I can tell he's bothered every time I have a bit too much pep in my step, since the pep is really not pep it's confusion, depression, and betrayal all in one.

I haven't told Elliott what happened yet, which is all part of the ignoring the situation thing I have going on. If I were to tell him, I would have to relive everything, all those horrible things I learned three nights ago. To tell him would be to risk keeping my sanity for the time being.

For now, I'm the peppy nanny the Kennedy family has been dreaming of.

I take the kids with me to the grocery store to pick up whatever they need, or wanted. Mostly the wanted stuff. They end up filling two carts to the top, mainly with just candy and potato chips.

"Don't worry, Ivy. I only picked healthy options," Rose says and points to the reduced fat potato chips she picked out.

"Good job," I say and pat her back.

I watch as Crystal and Rosie unload the cart onto the conveyer belt in a organized system they've perfected over the years. Ethan struggles to lift up the carton of milk, so I take it from him. When I go to place it on the conveyer belt, Crystal takes it from me and says that I'll mess up the order.

After paying for the groceries, we leave the store and head for the parking lot. I pack the groceries into the trunk while the kids climb into the van. Closing the trunk, I glance over to my right and see Yogi pushing a row of carts back into the store. I panic and run into the car, praying he didn't see me.

"Is everyone buckled?" I ask, receiving three thumbs up. "Perfect!"

Just as I put the car in reverse, there's a sudden knock on the window. I jump up, not expecting it. Putting the car in park, I look at a laughing Yogi with a bored face. He motions for me to roll down my window, so I do.

"Hey! You weren't trying to avoid me, were you?"

"No, of course not," I lie. "I didn't see you. How are you, Landon?"

"I'm great as always. A little high right now though."

I nod, glancing back at the kids who are busy fighting over what show they'll watch when we get back. "Well, good luck with that."

"Tell Elliott to come to the cliff tonight. We're having a little initiation party for some newbies."

"I'll let him know," I say. "You should get back to work so you're not caught not doing your job and on drugs."

"You always know how to keep a man in his place," Yogi says with his classic smirk. "Hardy says that's why we don't see Elliott anymore. I guess it's a good thing. You're keeping him safe."

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