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I slipped into one of the, many, pairs of riding boots that I owned, lacing up the fronts as Arrow dropped my quiver full of arrows by my feet. I giggled, patting him on his head as I laced up the last part of my shoes.

"Thanks buddy, but Annabeth as I were going to use swords today," I told him, grabbing the quiver and placing it back beside my dresser. Arrow sat patiently beside my bed as I flicked through my weapons collection.

You hate swords, Luna, why use them? Arrow questioned me, his voice flowing through my head. I rolled my eyes, picking out one of my favorite swords and sheathing it along my belt.

"Annabeth likes swords, and she wanted a sparing partner today, so I told her that I would spar against her," I looked back at him, pointing at him before he could speak. "Yes, I know she's probably going to whip my ass."

Your words, not mine, Arrow said, making me roll my eyes. There was a knock on my door almost immediately, as I went and pulled it open. Annabeth was leaning against the door frame, grinning at me as she spun her sword around in her hands.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" I laughed, nodding as I stepped out of the cabin, whistling for Arrow to follow along. He came bounding out, pushing his head against Annabeth's outstretched hand as a hello as I shut the door, walking down the steps alongside my best friend.

"Hope you don't mind I brought Arrow along, Chiron wanted me to spar someone from the Hermes cabin after we're done, wanted to see a new trick I've been working on with him for battles," I informed her as we made our way toward the training grounds, where Chiron was inevitably waiting for the two of us.

"Good, because I want to see it! It's so cool watching the two of you fight together," Annabeth told me, patting Arrow on his head as he walked between us.

"How's Grover doing?" I asked, referring to our Satyr friend. Annabeth shook her head with a small frown.

"He's okay, but I'm not so sure about the guy he brought with him last night," she told me as we turned the corner, passing the Aphrodite cabin where many of the girls were outside, lounging around in the sun. "Liz in the medical wing said that he was kind of banged up, waiting until he wakes up to give him some Ambrosia. Apparently he lost his mom to the Minotaur."

"That poor kid," I muttered, shaking my head. "Hard enough finding our you're a half-blood, but losing your mom in the process? That's got to hurt."

"He killed the Minotaur though," I looked over at my best friend with wide eyes, and she only nodded. "I know, I had the same reaction. He was too late to get his mom, but he killed a Minotaur."

"Damn, I don't even want to know who this kid's dad is,"

"Well, Luna, you'll be getting to know him, as I want you to train him," Chiron came walking out of the woods, smiling down at Arrow as Annabeth and I put on the rest of our armour, preparing to spar. I raised an eyebrow at him, fastening my shin guards into place.

"Me? Of all people?"

"You're one of our smartest and brightest, no offense Annabeth," she only rolled her eyes, fastening her chest plate into place. "Kid seems like he's going to be a bit stubborn, and if anyone can break that, it's going to be you, Luna. Annabeth, come take a look at this new course we're preparing before you guys begin your spar."

Annabeth walked off with Chiron as I finished fastening all of my gear into place.

I have a strange feeling about this new boy, Luna, Arrow told me. I looked down at him, cocking an eyebrow as I unsheathed my sword from my belt.

"Come on buddy, what's the worst that could happen? Our whole lives change? It's just another demi-god, nothing to worry about,"

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