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"Sorry? Is that really all you can say?" I looked down at my feet, Persephone finally letting go of me as Percy walked up to me quietly.

"I don't know how else to fix this, Percy. It's not just you, okay? There's that prophecy, and I have my own and they go hand in hand, they're tied together. Chiron and I decided that-"

"What, that I couldn't handle it? Oh, and you have your own prophecy too? Do you actually even love me?"

"Of course I do-"

"Or is this damn prophecy speaking for you now?"

"Our love might be fate in the prophecy, but what I feel is real, Percy. If you would just-"

"Do NOT tell me to calm down right now, Luna," he bellowed at me, Hades smirk growing larger as he watched our fight, "All you've done is lie to me, how can I know you're telling the truth? What if your prophecy just says that we're supposed to fall in love, are my feelings for you even real?"

"Percy," Grover finally said, catching our attention. He walked towards us, standing beside me and trying to stay calm to try and get Percy to become calm, "this is why no one told you of the prophecy. You just weren't ready to fully understand-"

"You too? My own damn best friend? You knew about this, Grover, and you didn't tell me?"

"Luna, Chiron, and I have only tried to protect you. Luna has lived with this all her life, we wanted to protect you from that weight on your shoulders."

"And that's your choice to decide? Shouldn't that be mine?"

Hades ruined everything. He tore it all to shreds because he could, because he wanted to.

My breathing became ragged as I shut my eyes, squeezing my hands into fists as I tried to stay calm. My hands felt hot, incredibly hot.

"Hades, it's happening," I could hear Persephone say to the god, walking over to stand beside him. Her voice was filled with fear, and I knew something good was not happening. I looked over at Grover who was already looking at me, fear and confusion in his eyes as well. Percy held that same fear and confusion as he moved to stand with Grover.

"Let me see how far it goes, Persephone,"

It was a weird sensation. The feeling of my hands just burning, like my leg after the Hyrda burn. But it didn't hurt, it was just hot. So incredibly hot. I looked down at my hands, and they almsot looked as if they were steaming.

"Calm down, Miss Ardelean, no need to use those special powers on us right now. Wait until the moment is right," I heard Hades say. I took a few deep breaths, the heat disappearing from my hands as I seemed to just cool off.

"Your eyes turned red," I heard Grover mumble. I looked over at the satyr, scared and confused, "when I first met you I thought it was a possibility that it could be you, but I wasn't sure enough to tell Chiron about my suspicions. But the green eyes, the red eyes, I was right, you are her, Luna."

"Grover, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh my gods, some of us thought you were just an urban legend. Luna, you-"

"That's enough, goat boy," Hades called out, interrupting Grover explanation. I looked at him, practically begging him to continue, but he was too focused on Hades as he walked towards his large, king sized chair, "the girl will find out all in good time. For now, let's get back to the real reason you are here. Where is the bolt?"

All of Percy anger seemed to diminish when he said that, and all of the sudden, water boy was completely nervous.

"Well, you see, Hades...I don't have the bolt. I never stole it."

"Then why are you here?"

"W-well...I was hoping when you saw that I wasn't the lightning thief that you might, um, let my mother go."

Hades laughed, but it was almost a laugh of disbelief, 

"You really thought that would work? I'm Hades! God of the Underworld! You can't bargain with me! Now, give me the bolt, or say goodbye to your mother!"

He reached onto the table beside his chair, lifting off what seemed to be a woven ball that held a swirling cloud of purple smoke. He through it as hard as he could to the floor, watching as it shattered into a million pieces. The smoke danced into the air, swirling around and around in a circle, creating a slight breeze in the room. It finally all lifted into the air, diminishing in thin air, leaving a woman in its place.

She wasn't the tallest woman in the world, probably short for her age, but she was beautiful. Long, curly brown hair lined her face, her tired looking face. Bags were underneath her eyes, suggesting that she hadn't slept much before she was taken by the Minotaur. Her eyes were a sea green color, the same sea green that I see in Percy's ocean eyes. Once all of the smoke was gone she inhaled a huge breath, almost as if the smoke had stolen her breath away form her. Percy dropped the shield that Luke had given him from his arm, racing towards his mother and enveloping her in a huge hug.

"Luna, we have a major problem," Grover whispered, his eyes not on the heart warming reunion taking on just beside Hades and Persephone, but on the shield Percy had dropped. I followed his gaze, my mouth dropping open.

It crackled, sparks flying out onto the floor as it suddenly began to grow brighter. Percy, his mother, and the two Olympians looked over towards where Grover and I were looking, and I swear I saw a smirk appear on Hades face from the corner of my eyes.

"Liar," Hades said to Percy, almost too calmly, as he stalked towards the shield, letting Zeus' lightning bolt fall into his hands, "I knew you were the lightning thief."

"I didn't put that there!" Percy said frantically, pushing his mother behind him and taking Riptide out of his pocket, afraid of what Hades might do with the bolt, "It's not even my shield!"

"No, it's not," I chimed in, finally fitting the pieces of the puzzle together in my head. I loaded an arrow onto my bow, not taking any chances, "the shield belongs to Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. Luke did it. Luke put the bolt in the shield, gave the shield to Percy, and tried to frame him. Luke Castellan is the lightning thief."

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