❦Chapter 5❦

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Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.


I opened the door and glanced at the room that my father calls his office, like a typical office room looks like, papers scattered everywhere, files where unorganized as some of them were popping out of their drawers, crumpled papers now laid on the carpeted floor.

I looked around the office as I examined it more, this is the first time that I have been into this office, my father was that strict in not letting me inside his office.

'Remember what you came here for' Myr reminded me and I was suddenly snapped out of my trance. Right, I need to hurry myself up and find the necklace as soon as possible.

I firstly went to scan my father's desk, I scanned his desk and rummaged through his drawers opening them one by one and carefully lifting each material with great caution, I flip through the files and papers inside his drawer until my eyes spotted a golden chain. I carefully pulled it and it revealed a necklace, the thing that I have been looking for.

I closed the drawer softly as I scanned the necklace, it was made out of silver since it weighed heavier than a normal necklace and it had a violet gem on its pendant and has the initials of 'S' on it.

I was about to think on some thoughts in my mind when the door opened, I widened my eyes as I shoved the necklace inside the pockets of my pants, successfully.

As I look at the man who barged into the room, I was chanting a prayer that he did not caught me stealing the necklace. The man was in his late thirties, he had dark brown hair and his grey cold eyes held confusion as he scans me from head to foot making me squirm under his intense gaze.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as he crossed his arms against his chest, looking pretty intimidating, then realization hit me as his voice sounded familiar. He was the one whom I heard my father had talked to, I try not to show my look of surprise as my eyes slightly widened. I am so dead.

"N-nothin-g" I stuttered and he arched an eyebrow at my reply. I try to hide my nervousness but failed as my voice cracked making my heart pound faster than normal.

"What's your name?" thankfully he did not notice my nervousness.

"Scarlett" I said, happy that I did not stutter out and then mentally face palmed myself, why did I say my name?! That's it, goodbye world; you have been awful to me.

He looked at me with confusion before something had dawned into him as he stared at me with cold eyes.

"Get out" he growled out, his voice came out cold and I stared at him in confusion, was he bipolar or something?

"Did you not hear what I said?! I said get the fuck out!" he yelled as he pointed towards the door, I widened my eyes before I nodded my head and got out of the room.

Once I exited the room, I inhaled and exhaled deeply before I put a hand on my chest and made my towards my room, I plopped on the hard mattress and pulled out the necklace, all of that trouble just for this necklace. I was examining it when the necklace fell out of my hands. Shit!

I muttered curse words as I bent down to pick it up but stopped when I saw that the gem was slightly open, as I reached out to grab the gem a piece of paper fell out of the gem, I furrowed my eyebrows as I picked up the paper.

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