❦Chapter 6❦

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Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.


My feet hit the ground with a loud thud as I rolled my body on the ground; the impact of my fall had hurt my body, I could feel the tingling sensation of pain cursing throughout my whole body, it still hurts, what was I even thinking when I had jumped from a two story building? But I was desperate to get out of this house before they could kill me.

I groaned out as the pain increased as I rolled onto my side as I curled myself in a fetus position.

'Get up and shift! They are coming!' Myr shouted in my head and I uncurled myself from my previous position as I try to stand up. I managed to stand up as I removed my clothes hastily and shifted into my golden colored wolf that had splotches of black and also had shades of brown.

I carried my back pack using my mouth as I clutched the strap of the bag with my canines before I ran as fast as I could.

We were nearing the border when a guard had spotted us and tried to stop us.

"Hey! Where do you think you are you going?!" a tall, muscular and blonde man yelled at me and I just growled at him before I tackled him into the ground as I threw my bag pack on the ground.

The guard widened his eyes in surprise and was about to fight back when I buried my canines into his neck, he shouted out in pain that alertes many guards that are now rushing towards us as some of them shifted.

I released my hold on the now dead guard's neck as I went back to retrieve my bag pack and sprinted through the forest as the guards tailed just behind me.

Thankfully there was a huge distance between us. I ran and ran until I couldn't see the pack house and until I couldn't hear the growls of the guards, I guess they might have stopped at the end of the border since we were nearing the Rogue's territory and trust me, it isn't a friendly one.

I slowed down my pace as I panted and inhaled through my mouth, I turned my head towards the sight, there were only trees and nature surrounding us, birds are chirping and some squirrels roamed around the forest, once I had thought that it was safe I went behind a tree and shifted into my human form.

I put on my clothes and sat down on the ground. I still had bruises from before and from my fall, but that wasn't my main priority right now, all that I could focus on is that I am finally free.

I am finally free from their torments and constant bullying, I am now free and I can do whatever I want, finally I can live peacefully without having to worry about making mistakes, finally no one could boss me around, finally-

'You are a rogue' Myr cut in and I widened my eyes, it's true, I am a rogue since I didn't have a pack anymore, I am now an outcast. But then again, being a rogue is much better than being a punching bag, at least, if I will die, I would die in peace.

'With your mate' Myr butted in and I sighed.

'You do know that I am a rogue right?' I asked her and she nodded ushering me to continue what I will say.

'Even if I will find him- which the chances are low- he would not want me, I am a rogue, he would not want his mate to be a rogue'

'Yes, you may be a rogue but have you forgotten? You are not a normal wolf- or rogue at that, you are a royal and I don't doubt that your mate will be a royal, who knows maybe even the Alpha King' Myr said dreamfully and I just scoffed at her, who is she kidding?

'Even if my mate is the Alpha King- which I highly doubt, he wouldn't want me, I am a pathetic rogue anyways. I carry too many baggage, he would want a strong, beautiful and smart mate to rule by his side'

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