❦Chapter 22❦

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Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.


Damien’s POV

It has been two days since Scarlett has been gone, two days of pure torture and agony. It broke my heart that I then later knew that she wasn’t going to come back after 5 hours of her disappearance, my heart clenched at the thought. Of her at the verge of tears, the pain-stricken look on her face as she stares at Lily and me, all I want is to cradle her in my arms and whisper sweet nothings to her.

But she is not here. Because she was been kidnapped by that fucktard Dimitri, it only took me six hours to figure out that Dimitri was the one who had caused this, along with Lily as her apprentice, even my Beta, Jace has disappeared and it doesn’t take a genius that he was a part of Dimitri’s plan.

I was furious when it later then dawned me, I wanted to go to his Castle and rip everything until I found my mate, but I couldn’t just barge inside, no matter how much strength I have, it wouldn’t be enough to take on hundreds of blood-sucking vampires.

I was feeling lost, enraged and out of my mind for the last couple of days, my heart felt like it was ripped out. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and couldn't focus in anything that I do.

All that I was thinking about is Scarlett, my mate, I would give up anything to have her back. I still fucking remember the tears that she shed when she saw Lily kissing me. I wanted blood, my wolf wanted blood.

I am never going to stop searching until I find her, not until I killed all pf those motherfuckers who dared to kidnap and hurt my mate.

After she was gone I went on a rampage, destroying anything that I see, shifting into my wolf and personally going out to kill for rogues and vampires. Even after they had dies I would still rip of their flesh until they are unrecognizable, I didn't feel remorse. I wanted more, I wanted their blood for I only saw red in my vision.

Constantly she is in my mind, never going away, and I would always wonder the state she is in, I'll fucking kill them for even hurting one strand of her hair.

I needed to prepare, I needed to get my mind straight, being in a rampage will not get me anywhere. So I calmed my raging mind as I plan for my mate's rescue.

So during those two days, I prepared all my warriors, training them until they are ready to fight.

“How’s the training coming, Thomas?” I asked gruffly as I eye all of the warriors who are in their wolf form. I was tired from the lack of sleep and agitation but I ignored it as I oversee the training.

“They are ready; they are already tasked with the battle formation. You don’t have to worry about your Queen, we will retrieve her back and we will kill all those motherfucking blood-suckers that we assure you” I nodded at his fire-filled passion to bring back his Queen, I also am grateful for the loyalty of my men. I can see how they are training hard so that the mission will be successful.

“We could only hope” I said sadly as I looked up at the sky. Praying to the Moon Goddess that Scarlett would be alright.

“We are coming, Amor” I murmured the promise to the sky, hoping that she can hear it. That she knows that I am coming for her, that I love her with all my heart and that I would die for her if she asks.

Scarlett’s POV

“Stop moving, or I will poke you with a sharp needle” the seamstress hissed at me as she spoke through gritted teeth, I wanted to defy her and move as much as I can but that will only result in nothing. She was making my dress for the wedding that I didn't want to part of.

If I move and piss off the seamstress will it stop Dimitri from killing Damien?

Will it free me from being a captive in this dark and brooding Castle?

So, I just stayed put as I let the seamstress continue measuring me.

After I agreed to be Dimitri’s Queen he took no delay as he announced to the whole Castle that a ‘grand’ wedding will happen. The vampires cheered for us and I acted as if I wanted this wedding to happen but all I want is to run away from here, but I had to put on a smile, or else Dimitri will kill Damien.

I wanted to cry, I have never thought that my life would turn out like this, going to be married to the Vampire King. I always have thought that I would be married to Damien and have pups with him as we would grow old together, but I guess not everything will go my way and I just have to accept the fact.

I will go through hell as long as Damien will be safe. I don't care of the consequences that will come my way, I will take in the pain that comes with the decisions as long as Damien will be safe. I will do anything for him.

After an hour of standing like a mannequin, the seamstress was finished with my measurements. It was totally awkward, especially when she had to measure my chest and my derrière.

I tried to persuade Dimitri to postpone the wedding, hoping that Damien will find me. But Dimitri just brushed off my request, knowing my intentions.

I have high hopes that Damien cares and maybe loves me to come and find me, but after 2 days of waiting my hope is starting to sizzle out.

Don’t worry, he will come. He is going to fight for you’

‘How would you know?’

‘By this time, Damien must have eventually found out that you have been kidnapped by Dimitri, he will come and save you. So you don’t have to worry’ Myr assured me and somehow that kind of made me relived, I also hoped that Damien wouldn’t get hurt by the process of rescuing me.

I believe that he will come for me, I still have hope in him. I know that he still loves me and I curse myself for ever thinking that he didn't. After I got to know that Lily plotted everything I was guilty that I thought he cheated on me once more. I should've put my trust and faith in him instead of running away from my problems.

Look what it got me.

I went back to Dimitri’s room, I refused to call it ‘ours’ because I know that my only room was me and Damien’s, nothing else. I also need to have a plan, I need Dimitri to think that he can trust me, trust can always lead to anywhere and his trust is all I need.

Damien’s POV

My third in command, James, my new Beta, Thomas and me are in my office, discussing all the possible faults in our missions.

“Twenty will go to the north part of the Castle and I think there is an entrance so to be sure, send your best scout to stealth his way through then if it is good then send the twenty in, they need to be careful not to cause any large commotions. The other twenty will go to the main entrance and will take out the guards, then fifteen will climb their way through the top of the Castle, I know a tunnel beneath the Castle that leads to the main dungeon, you will go there, I will go with the warriors through the main entrance” I told them the plan.

They both nodded, Thomas looked like he has something to talk about.

“What is it Thomas?” I asked impatiently.

He scratched the back of his head before he responded, “I got information on the events happening in the Vampire Kingdom, apparently Scarlett and Dimitri are going to get married tomorrow, so no doubt they are going to be busy the whole night, but no need to worry. They will be too busy preparing so it’s fine” he said to me. I clenched my fists as I heard ‘marriage’ ‘Dimitri’ and ‘Scarlett’ together in a sentence.

I tried to calm myself, now is not the right time to get angry, I need to stay calm and not let anger consume me and make irrational decisions.

Not only did he kidnap my mate but he is forcing her to a wedding that she undoubtedly doesn't want. I gritted my teeth together as I took in a deep breath. Now is not the time to get angry, I need my focus as of right now.

“Then I guess we will have to shock them with our own party as well” I said as I smirked maliciously.

I am coming to get you, Amor.

I vowed.

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