A Turning Point

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The next few days were tense. Marina had given me her bedroom when we arrived, and she stayed with Six. Both of the girls were kind to me when we first met, but the awkward tension between us was quite obvious. John became easily distracted, often slipping off into the training area alone to let off some steam. Ella made it a point to ignore me, so I made it a point not to speak to her. Sam Goode and his father, Malcolm, showed me some kindness by at least trying to invite me into some conversations, but it never changed the other's minds. I couldn't hide myself from the nervous glances and the unsettling silence that would come about when I entered to room.

Even Nine was strange. He refused to speak to me around the other Loric, but when it was just the two of us, he would ask me if I was okay. His big brown eyes would grow soft, and he would give off a general vibe of sincerity. I always gave him the same answer: "I'm fine, Nine. I just need some time to adjust." 

I couldn't deny that their actions hurt. Why was I such a pariah now? Why couldn't I be accepted by my own kind? They had wanted me. They came and rescued me, brought me back to Chicago to stay with them, and now... they ignore me? Why would they waste my time if they didn't want me around?

So I kept to myself. I only spoke when spoken to, and trained only when asked to. I ate alone, and I stayed alone. To some, my actions were a blessing. To me, they were the only consistent thing that has happened in my life.

After a week had passed, things began to shift. Sam had a break through with his Loric-tracking tablet, saying that he could now track a person named Adam. I came out of my room and listened just out of view to the commotion going on in the living room.

"I told you my dad was right," Sam said. I could imagine his skinny frame standing in front of everyone with his chin held high, boastfully beaming.

"He's still a Mog, Sam," I heard Six say. She was probably sitting on the couch, looking at Same as if he was a stray puppy she couldn't help. "He could easily turn on us in a heartbeat if we say something he doesn't agree with."

"Adam risked his life to save mine and my dad's life. He has One's powers that he's learning to control to help us, not hurt us. We should give him a chance. Just like some of you need to give Madeleine a chance."

Six spoke up again. "She's been out in the world too long and was wronged by her parents. She's a flight risk. Doesn't her story sound similar?"

"She's trying her best."

"She holes herself up in her room all the time!" Marina snapped. "She's probably in there telling the Mogs what we're doing and where we are right now!"

I turned to head back to bed. There wasn't even a point for me to stay and defend myself when it wouldn't make a difference.

"Marina, give it a rest. Not every Loric who isn't standing here with us is going to turn out like Five."

I froze. Was that Nine? Was he actually defending me against these assholes for once?

"You and I both know that it should have been you," Marina growled.

"And if it was up to me, it would have been!"

"Eight made his choice, Marina." I heard John rise from his seat, and I turned back around to listen.

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