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A/N: Hey guys! I'd just like to shout out ELouisseNZ for being so supportive and inspiring me to write this chapter so quickly! And Thank you to everyone who is reading this fan fiction! I really appreciate each and every one of you!



It was already daylight when I woke up. Birds were chirping, and I could hear the wind rustling the leaves above me. There was a small fire crackling, and a few people were holding quiet conversations at a distance. I tried to sit up from the blanket I was asleep on, but when my entire body screamed in pain, I laid back down, grunting from the sharp pain in my side and head. 

A set of footsteps hurried over, and a small hand touched my shoulder. "Shh, shh, Maddy, you're okay. It's me, Marina." She pressed her other hand to my head, and a warming sensation fell over me. "You have a little concussion, and a few of your ribs are damaged again, but you're okay."

"How can a concussion be little?" I grunted as I reached up to block out the bright sun beams.

I heard her laugh lightly. "Well, okay, you've got me there. I think John will have some food ready soon if you want to head over there? Okay, let me help you up."

Marina slipped an arm behind my back and helped me sit up, but I quickly felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. I pushed my palms to my eyes, silently begging for this all to be a bad nightmare. I had suffered concussions before at the hands of my father, and none of them had been this bad.

My father... My mother... 

I leaned on Marina as I stood to my feet. She dropped my right arm around her shoulder as she helped me walk through the fallen leaves and branches and over to the circle of logs that surrounded a small campfire. She quickly told me that we had to hurry into some nearby woods to hide from the law, since they had heard word of the break in at Plum Island. Apparently, the Coast Guard was pulling up to Plum Island as we disembarked from the boat. John had discarded it into the waters to keep them off our scent. We had scavenged our materials from the car they abandoned, and the food was bought from a nearby convenience store.

Six, Sam, and Adam were the only ones sitting on the logs. The couple sat by each other as she rested her head on his shoulder, all while Adam sat on a separate log alone. When they saw us approach, each one of them perked up, but Adam hopped off his perch and over to us. 

"I'm so sorry, Madeleine-" he rushed, stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking like an ashamed puppy who had an accident before they could make it to the backdoor.

I held up my left hand with a small smile. "Adam, it's okay, really." I hugged him quickly, still being supported by Marina, before we all went over to the logs and took a seat. I noticed Marina sat beside me and would glance over at me every few minutes to make sure I wasn't about to pass out. I gripped the log and nodded at Sam and Six.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, ignoring the twinges of soreness. I wanted to say, Almost like I did when I was back with my parents, but I settled on, "Been better, been worse. Is everyone else okay?"

He nodded, and I noticed a silent glare coming my way from Six. I caught her eye for a split second before she looked at the ground, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Sam reached over and took her hand, and for a moment, they looked happy.

Then reality hit them: We were stuck in the middle of a war, where the government and the enemy were in cahoots. Each one of us were being hunted, and there is no guarantee that we'll see the light of tomorrow's sunrise. Six's smile fell, and Sam glanced away.

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