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We had been designated a bedroom inside of the Anubis so that we could stay close to the Beloved Leader. The room was a decent size, with a queen-size bed that I was not planning on sharing, as well as a large six drawer dresser. There were a hoard of pillows on top of the white bedspread that Ella seemed determined not to go near. We had a connecting bathroom, which had a small shower, toilet, and sink. Everything reminded me of a cheap hotel room I stayed in during my time in Miami, but it was better than the room the Beloved Leader had given me before. I stretched out on our bed - well, my bed - as I leaned against the pillows with my hands behind my head. 

Ella paced nervously at the foot of the bed, her hands tucked into the back pocket of her blue jeans and wrinkling the back of her black tee. She had taken off her makeup, giving off the appearance of a ten-year-old rather than a teenager. Only her hair reflected the ceremony that had happened hours ago. Her auburn hair was twisted and braided into a complicated up-do, but the baby's breath that had laid in her hair earlier were long gone. Ella chewed on her nails as she glared at the carpet.

"Now, what did that carpet ever do to you?" I asked, smirking.

She shot me a dirty look as she snatched her hand from her mouth quickly.

"Do you not realize how serious this is?" she snapped angrily.

"Do you realize that you consented to this entire thing?" I raised my eyebrows, which moved my eyepatch out of place as I tried to search her mind. The only thing I could pick up on was her nervous energy, but that was obvious. She looked away disgustedly as I replaced my patch.

"I consented to being married to you. I did not consent to being linked - connected - bonded - whatever!" Exasperated, she began to pace again, almost as if she hadn't been doing that for the past hour.

"It could be worse."


I could read your mind, I said telepathically as I cackled at her frustration.

"Stay out of my head!" Ella barked, marching over to me with the same scowl I had seen so many times before. She folded her arms as she said, "Doesn't it bother you that I can hear everything you're thinking, or that we have almost a four year age gap between us? Or that we were forced into a marriage by a psychotic lunatic who single handedly destroyed our home planet? How does none of this affect you?!"

Oh, she was so adorable when she was angry. Not that I was attracted to her - hell no! She was like the pesky little sister who enjoyed horses a little too much, or like a hissing kitten who had not opened its eyes yet.

"Oh, El. You're so melodramatic, it kills me." I laid a hand over my heart as I sighed dramatically. "If only you realized that we don't have to act married! We only have to go along with this so your grandpappy doesn't cut my head off."

"And wouldn't that be such a shame." I could tell I was getting into her head from the way her neck and cheeks burned bright with anger. I grinned mischievously as she twisted her mouth. 

"You can't seriously believe what that nut is saying in his Book of Lies!"

I narrowed my eyes... um, eye, at her. "You don't know anything about me, so get over yourself for a bit. I'm not dying because of you guys, especially not for that idiot, Nine. You guys never gave a damn about me, and that was obvious from the moment I arrived. The Mogadorians are expanding to keep their people alive, but all you want to do is act like they're worse than Hitler."

"They are worse than Hitler!" she screeched. My ears hurt. "They successfully massacred an entire race and planet!"

"Hitler just didn't try hard enough."

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