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We failed, simple as that. I failed them. I failed everyone. Maybe if I had made everyone train a little harder and not allowed Nine and Madeleine to leave, we could have won. So many "if"'s ran through my mind as I sat with everyone else in our dingy little cell, yet I didn't bother to think about what was next to come. I forgot about the future, because I was too busy focused on the past.

Sam was sobbing as Six held him in her arms, and I couldn't blame him. He had just lost his father for the second time in his life, but this time, it was permanent. We all saw the building fall with Adam and Malcolm trapped inside. Adam might have had a better chance of survival than Malcolm did, but nevertheless, both of their chances was slim to none.

Marina and Ella sat on my right side holding each others hands. Both of them had the same pissed off vibe about them, but the exhaustion under their eyes was undeniable. I listened as Marina leaned close to Ella and said,

"Everything's going to be okay. We'll find a way. We always do."

All of us had taken a brutal beating. We had fought our hardest. Hell, I had probably scorched everything in my path before I was finally overtaken. Marina had tried numerous times to create ice blockades over any entrances to keep out the Mogs, but their sheer numbers were enough to shatter them like glass. Six had summoned a storm and blew many of them away. Ella was using her telekinesis and hand-to-hand combat skills to try to keep them out as well, but our battle seemed to be short lived. They just kept coming, There was no telling how many Mogadorians we killed before they finally got the better of us.

They grabbed Sam first, which distracted Six and Malcolm. The Mogs pounced on each of them immediately, and once Six and Marina were both out of the fight, it was basically over. Ella and I were backed into corners and snatched.

They shackled our arms and legs before tossing us into a Skimmer. When they pulled away from the smoking building without Malcolm or Adam, we all started freaking out. That's when they began to beat us. I was popped in the face multiple times with the butt of a gun until everyone quieted down.

And that's when we heard the gun fire all around us. We watched out the tiny peephole windows as the John Hancock Center fell. I expected a scream or two. I expected a few arguments and bursts of defiance against our captures.

But there was silence. Sam was in shock. He wordlessly stared out the windows as the Skimmer pulled away and parked inside the underbelly of another much-larger ship. We stayed there for hours until they finally blindfolded us and led us off of the ships and into our prison cell. Then they unshackled us and tossed us inside. Collectively, we tossed our blind folds into the corner.

Now, here we are. Battered. Bruised. But still kicking.

I scooted on my tail over to Sam. He sat up off of Six's shoulder sniffling. He had finally lost his shock, and the real pain was now setting in. I reached forward and took hold of his lanky shoulders.

"Sam," I said quietly. "They aren't getting away with it. None of it."

"What are we going to do? We're stuck in here." I could hear his voice break as he spoke.

"They didn't get Nine or Madeleine. They'll get us out of here. I know they will."

Suddenly from down the hall, we heard a scream pierce through the air. We all turned towards the door and listened.

"No!" the woman screamed. "Stop it! If she's here, you show her to me right this instant!"

Next came marching down the hall. In their sinister language, we listened as two Mogadorians conversed outside of our door quietly before they jerked it open. The one in the front, with her pale chin held high and her black braids pulled into a ponytail, was a tall slender woman. The male behind her was as thick as a tank with a hungry look in his eyes.

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