Til Death Do We Part

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Five took his sweet time showing me around the Anubis, pointing out every room that he knew I would not care about. He also made a point to tell me how his presence made them all better, since apparently he was God's gift to mankind. Opposite of how he was when I first met him, Five now strutted through the walkways with his barrel chest puffed out, making long exaggerated strides and speaking with a bombastic tone. I knew that he was going for a 'holier than thou' aura, but really, he was an annoying ass.

I tried to be observant throughout the tour. I noticed the alarming number of vatborns and how many more were being produced at the moment. I saw the incredible number of skimmers that were ready to fight despite the amount that had been shot down or taken damage. I noticed how complex and sophisticated their technology was.

I noticed how outnumbered we were, and how without our full strength, the odds were drastically against us.

Five ended the tour near where we started, standing on a look-over with the cold wind rushing at us. I brushed stray strands out of my face and turned to him, trying to give him my best annoyed look. He didn't seem to notice as he leaned against the metal railing, flexing his bare biceps and looking around. We were extremely high up, and I wondered if we were closer to the edge of space than we were to the ground. Five didn't seem to care about that. He didn't seem to care about anything except for making himself look the best. His outfit - the black expensive battle gear - was unnecessary, but he wore it like a king wore a crown. They were his status symbol, and he actually seemed to believe that the Mogadorians were going to respect him when everything was said and done.

I scoffed lightly. "Why do you try so hard to please them?"

His round face twisted into a frown, his eyebrow coming down over his eyepatch. "Who?"

"Them. The Mogs."

"They actually show me the respect I deserve. They've helped me develop my Legacies and become a man. The Loric abandoned me. I don't understand why you, of all people, stay. They didn't want you to exist. They chose to let you die on that planet."

My blood began to boil as I balled my fists, glaring. "The Elders did what they had to, and they chose to save you. If they knew of the shitbag you are today, I'm sure they wouldn't mind sending me instead of you."

"Your grandfather would have sent me," he growled spitefully.

"I don't have a grandfather. My Cepan, who was killed by your people" - I jabbed a finger in his chest - "was my family. He took care of me, and you all took him from me."

"I didn't hurt him."

"Yeah but you sided with the ones who did."

I knew I was getting to Five by the way he gritted his jaw and pushed himself off of the railing, beginning to pick up his feet haughtily. I wanted to keep my cool and act like he wasn't getting to me, but I couldn't. I was clearly mad, and if he didn't have a flight Legacy, I would probably throw him overboard with my telekinesis. 

Five glared at me for a moment before an evil smirk spread across his face. His one eye glinted as his shoulders relaxed, his left hand extended out towards me.

"It's not my job to convince you to like the Mogadorians or what they are trying to accomplish. It's simply my job to make sure you stay and soon be a good wife."

I frowned, taking a few steps away from him, only to find that I was backed against the railing. I couldn't go over it - I would fall to my death, but surely Five would fly fast enough to catch me. "You've got to be joking. I'm only thirteen!" For a moment, jumping over seemed more appealing than being married to that beast.

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