elevator = cupid

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It's been a week since Delilah and I have spoken, she won't answer the door and seems to always take the stairs now. I decide I won't have this. I won't have her remove herself from something like what we have. I don't want that. So, I sit outside her door on a Wednesday morning; knowing she'll have to leave. I'm sat there for around forty minutes when the door opens. I look up just as she does, our eyes meeting. She sighs.

"What are you doing here, Harry?"

"I want to take you to your therapy session." I stand up, as she locks her door.

"And why would you want to do that?" She mumbles, turning around to face me.

"Because I want to show you I can help and I will, just let me." I plead.

"It's not about what you can bring to the table Harry, it's about what I don't bring." She begins to walk to the lift, I follow her, confusion clear on my face.

"What does that mean?" I ask, as she steps in to the lift, I walk in after her.

"It means you are a funny, confident, outgoing guy and I am a anxious, socially-inept girl, we don't match and it's not fair for me to bring you down with me." She sighs.

"Do I get a say in this?" I say, annoyed.

She simply looks at me with an odd look in her eyes.

"Usually people don't stay this long to have a say." She mumbles.

"Maybe because you push them away without giving them the option." I groan.

"It's easier to do that." She mutters.

"Well, sometimes you have to do things the hard way-just give me a chance." I notice her eyes flicker towards mine. 

"You'll get bored of me within a week." She bites her lip.

"We'll see." I reply, smirking.

"It's just here, on the left." She points to a tall, modern looking building.

I pull up and on to the curb, she goes to get out and I undo my seat-belt. 

"Where are you going?" She asks, her hand on the door handle.

"With you?" I reply, as more of a question.

"You can't come in with me, it's a closed session, you-you can wait, y'know-if you want." She mumbles the last part and I smile.

"I'll wait." I reply and she nods.

"Okay." She whispers, before getting out and walking around the car, into the building.

I watch a few YouTube videos to pass the time, not realising I've been sat for a good hour and a bit before she comes out. She looks a little happier and calmer than before; her eyes looking a little bewildered at the fact that I actually waited. She walks around the car and gets in, sighing as she sits.

"You okay?" I ask and she nods.

"I'm good." 

"Wanna get something to eat?" I question, pulling away from my parking space and on to the main road.

"Yeah, sure." She replies.

"Do you-have you been going to like, those sessions, for a while?" I ask.

"Uh-since I was like sixteen." She shrugs.

"I don't look at you any different for it, y'know that right?" I make sure she knows.

"I look at myself different, though." She sighs, looking out of the window.

"You shouldn't, you're one of the best people I've ever met." I quietly say, my eyes on the road.

She looks to me, smiling lightly at me.

I park up in the garage a few hours later, she gets out and begins to walk to the lift, I catch up to her and she goes to press the button just as I do. Our fingers skimming each others. She blushes slightly and I smirk at her. I press it and we wait less than ten seconds before the doors open for us. We walk in and I notice her hands shaking slightly, I lace my fingers in hers and she doesn't let go; surprising me slightly. She holds my hand close, making me smile. My thumb rubs abstract shapes in to her smooth skin and the silence is comforting. We reach her floor and I let her hand go, the feeling of emptiness consuming me like nothing I have ever felt before. I sigh, but before she walks out she turns to me.

"Are you busy tonight?" She mumbles.

"No." I smile.

"Meet me here in two hours." She whispers, smiling.

"Where?" I ask, confused.

"Where do we always end up meeting?" She smirks, before walking out, but not before I notice her newfound confidence. 

I let out a sigh of realisation, where do we always end up meeting? This damn elevator. 

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