funny how things change

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I can't help but admire her as she sleeps. Her hair is dishevelled and her bottom lip is stuck out slightly but she looks beautiful. She only has her bra and a pair of shorts on and would probably kill me if she knew I was looking but she is so hard to ignore. I never thought she would-not that I thought she was frigid but I just never imagined her in that kind of way. She was gentle but she was passionate and she was Delilah. She was more than anyone could ever ask for in life.

She wakes up slowly, her body frowning as her head ducks forward and her toes curl inwards. 

"Morning." She mumbles, resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"Mhmm." I mumble back, the smell of her hair invading my senses.

"I need to get up." She sighs, going to get up but I bring her body back down.

"No, stay here." I groan.

"We can't stay in bed all day, Harry." She chuckles.

"But we can for ten more minutes." I bargain with her, making her laugh.

"You're lucky I love you." She sighs, kissing me.

"You posted a photo of me?" I hear her shout from the kitchen and I flinch at the sudden raise of her sweet voice.

"Maybe?" I shout back, walking in to the open room.

Her phone sits in her hand as she perches on the edge of the kitchen counter, her feet dangling due to her height. 

"Definitely." She nods, raising her eyebrow.

"It's the photo from the beach, you can't even see your face." I reason with her, walking to her and looking at the photo.

"The description is cute." She mumbles, smiling.

"Look at the comments, they're all happy for me." I grin to her.

"But some say-" She begins but I stop her.

"Some say a lot of things, they don't matter; people who you will never ever meet don't matter, yeah?" I take her face in my hands and she maintains eye contact.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Maybe-maybe we could film a video, or-y'know, you could be in one of the vlogs I occasionally do?" I ask, as she moves towards the fridge.

"Didn't you film yesterday?" She asks.

"Yeah, I always film but never upload it 'cause I know you won't want me to." I reply.

"Right answer." She chuckles.

"I should know you by now." I laugh.

"That you should." She agrees, kissing my cheek and walking back towards her room.

I watch as she walks, her hips swaying ever so slightly and her hair bouncing with her movement. I smile lightly at the scene, euphoric bursts of pride erupting in my heart. 

"I'll see you later, yeah?" She smiles, kissing my cheek before going to walk in to the building.

I grab her wrist, "hey, I want a proper kiss."

She chuckles, "you're such a baby."

I smile as she pecks my lips, I pull her in further and feel her smirk in to the kiss. She pulls away and smiles, before walking away. I watch her until she disappears in to the college and I sigh, walking back the way I came, an apparent new-found love of walking spurring inside me from none other than Delilah-May Brookes.

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