encounters of a cold kind

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Delilah seems to be this incomplete masterpiece. She always seems to be missing something. She never seems like she quite knows where she fits or where she slots in to society. I notice that pretty clearly as she sits, waiting for me to finish my meeting. Just noticing her from across the street. She just does not look like anyone I have ever seen before, she holds no resemblance to any other human I have ever come across in my twenty years on this Earth. She is completely and utterly Delilah. It's such a wonderful thing. 

The boys notice me walk away and they shout after me but I just turn and wave before jogging across the road and walking to the bench where she sits and she stands smiling. Her attire consists of a pair of simple, denim-blue jeans and a royal blue and white striped jumper. Her Converse sit on her feet and a blue coat is over her arms. I smile as she walks to me, my arms wrapping around her.

"You're freezing." She mumbles in to my neck.

"And you're hot." I mumble back, making her laugh.

"Oh, okay-I'll give you that one, that was smooth." She smiles, pulling away.

I go to reply but a noise from behind me makes me turn, the boys are walking to us. A wave of worry hits me and I turn to see the same look on Delilah's face.

"Hey-it's okay, it's just the guys, they're my best friends, they-it's okay." I calm her down, placing a kiss on to her forehead before making up the distance between the boys and I.

"You have a girlfriend?" JJ asks, bewildered by the idea.

"Yes-okay, I have a girlfriend." I groan, as they all congratulate me.

"Let's meet her then, she looks nice." Ethan pats my shoulder, going to walk to her but I stop him.

"No-you guys, seriously, you can't." I shake my head, they all look at me with confusion clear in their eyes.

"Why?" Simon asks.

"She isn't good with meeting people-she's just not very social." I mumble, aware of how unlike my type that sounds, so I know how they'll react.

"Since when is the quiet girl your type?" JJ laughs.

"Keep your fucking voice down, man." I angrily say.

"So, what-does she have anxiety?" Vik asks, the wiser out of all of them.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I'm sure she won't mind meeting us." Simon shrugs.

"Guys, you aren't listening-" I begin but JJ cuts me off.

"Nah, okay-we'll leave you alone, but bring her by tomorrow." 

I nod and they walk back the way they came. I turn around to find Delilah sitting back down, her head looking down towards the ground. I walk to her.

"Sorry about that, they're nosy." I chuckle, sitting next to her.

"What's your type?" She mumbles.

"Wh-ah, you heard JJ." I sigh.

"Answer the question." She whispers.

"Del, you're my type." I place my hand on hers and she just looks at it.

"Be serious with me, like-girlfriends before me, they weren't like me, were they?" She tiredly sighs.

"No, they weren't, they were outgoing and liked to go to parties and met all of my friends but just because they weren't like you doesn't mean I don't like you." I reply.

"I'm none of those things." She mumbles.

"I like that." I mumble back.

"You don't have to." She whispers, finally lacing her fingers with mine.

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