6 ; i have you

900 68 16

Incoming Call
2 : 59 pm


"Hey too."

"Where did I go wrong, Kent? Why am I so unlucky? How did I end up being me?"

"That was blunt... yet, I don't know. I don't know you. You don't know me. But we could change that. You know what?"


"I want a do-over, a restart. Let me introduce myself, properly this time."

"I don't really know where you're heading with this, Supe─ "

"Shhhh! Just go with it."

"Whatever you say."

"Hello, I am Clark Nielsen, your personal healthcare companion. Are you satisfied with your care?"

"So not only are you a hoe for DC Comics but for Disney's animated films as well? Are you sure you're not gay?"

"Okay that was ultimately rude, Lois. You shouldn't conclude a person's gender based on their personal interests. I was just trying to enlighten you. I think what I did was pretty much swoon-worthy."

"I swooned, Clark. I did. You sent serious shivers down my spine. In fact, I'm beginning to like you."

"The sarcasm is annoying the hell out of me."

"Aw, why? Wished it was true, Superboy?"

"Maybe? Maybe not? Either of the two, you wouldn't care. Am I right?"

"True. I can't lie to my very own Baymax, can I?"

"You can't because you don't have one."

"You enjoy lying to me, huh?"

"I'm not lying, Shirls. Can I call you that? I want to call you that. I'm calling you that from now on."

"Whatever. Just tell me why I don't have my own freaking Baymax."

"You have something even better and it's real. It's not some fictional thing you'll cling onto crazily. It'll always be there for you when you need it the most."

"It's not an 'it,' is it?"


"Is it you?"


"So... I have you?"

"What? Don't you like it?"

"I love it."

"Well then, I hope you feel better. Talk to you later, though. I'm about to deliver some orders. Chat with you in a jiffy!"

Call Ended
3 : 02 pm

"So, what do you think, Saturn. Is he any good?"

(a/n) DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!! & Shark is officially sailing so
you're absolutely welcome!

In Another CallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz