15 ; free food

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Knock knock knock

Three blaring knocks came blasting from my dormitory door. Fortunately, my roommate, Tabitha, was still on campus for she had to attend her evening classes.

With curiosity rushing through my mind, I hurried to spy onto the tiny peephole of the wooden door and saw a jar of cookies lying on the floor. A smile began to curve up my lips as I witness it.

I twisted the doorknob open and walked outside, wearing my oversized Blue's Clues pajamas. I assumed that nobody outside would care enough to even spare a glance at my current appearance.

Tugging a tendril of my hair escaping from my low ponytail, I bent down to heartily grab the jar on the floor. At the sight of a green post-it taped above its lid, I instantly arched a brow. The handwriting was tolerably illegible.

Without wasting any second, I read the note silently.

a jar of green tea infused and dark chocolate chip cookies for a very lovely lady named Shirley! (especially delivered by a young handsome lad well-known as Clark)

p.s. it's on the house

p.p.s. enjoy :-)

I snickered lightly, hastily covering my mouth because... screw Barry Allen, Bruce Wayne, or even Clark Kent. Neither of them can give me the newfound hope in life Clark Nielsen generously offered me.

And frankly, I felt whole again.

"Well, someone's happy," an unfamiliar voice said, snapping me back to reality. His voice was firm and raspy too. I can also tell he was foreign for his suave English accent was astonishingly attractive.

That was when the realization suddenly occurred to me. There was a freaking man right by my side, completely aware of the fact that I was just in my evening clothes. Specifically, my pajamas with a cringe-worthy cartoon pattern printed throughout.

I panicked internally, admittedly not knowing how to react. It has been years and ages since I've talked to anyone other than Tabitha.

Since it was the only choice I had, I faced him and my jaw dropped virtually. Like seriously, his physical attributes screamed hot dude all over him.

His honey-brown hair was slicked back but that wasn't the best thing about him. It was not his soft pink lips nor his gorgeously etched features.

It was his eyes. 'Cause his eyes were simply beautiful. Deep blue seas surrounded his pupils although, his right one had a mixture of brown existing at its lower portion, resembling the earth.

"Wow," I muttered incoherently, wishing he didn't hear it.

Although, he proved otherwise by snorting before replying, "This isn't the first time someone told me the exact expression. Don't worry."

"Sectoral heterochromia?" I interrogated as he nodded his head in approval.

I read something about this phenomenal genetic mutation before. Probably due to one of the children in the orphanage had it. I never got to know him better however. He was the center of attention of anybody willing to adopt a child at the time being. That's why he left the orphanage early along with a wealthy couple. Everybody was drawn to him easily, unlike my sister and I. Nobody wanted to adopt twins.

I wonder where that kid was present.

"I wish I didn't have it though," he informed me.

I shook my head in disappointment gazing my green irises directly upon his orbs. "You should try shutting up. They're precious. A pair of fragile gems you should take good care of."

"I think I feel the need to tell you that most people make fun of me, thinking I'm blind due to it," he casually mentioned, casual enough for me not to show any sympathy for him.

But I wanted to enlighten him. He was troubled inside. I think. So in return I stated, "Don't mind those jealous bitches, okay? They're probably just envy of those splendid jewels."

He smiled slightly and chose to sit on the carpeted floor of the establishment, besides my room's door. He gently pressed his back against the beige wall. I furrowed a brow, confused as to why a good-looking stranger was still here by my dorm and can stand conversing with a redhead at her ugliest state.

"Thanks. But I already know that I'm a young handsome lad either way," he boastfully said as he raised his chin. "And that you've been checking my Superman-Esque body out for quite a while now," he added.

I scowled down at him and retorted, "Well, you're too arrogant for my liking. Now, go on. Go back to where you came from," gesturing my hands to the nearest elevator.

Instead, he ignored me and closed his eyes.

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked him.

He quickly blinked his eyes open, looking annoyed. "Bloody breathing."

"Of course," I rolled my eyes before arching down to sit opposite him. "But shouldn't you be somewhere else?"



He chortled, slightly wrinkling the black leather jacket he wore atop a plain white shirt. "Why England?"

"What's wrong?" I questioned, my tone getting pitchy. "You have the accent."

"Yea... I lived there when I was six or seven I guess. But there's this girl that told me I had the worst English accent ever... that it even sounded fake."

"She seems rude."

"Tell me about it," he laughed again and stood up from where he sat. I raised a brow as I looked up at him. He ruffled my hair playfully saying, "Hey, meet me at Metropolis, why don't you?"

He then fled off, leaving me creeped out.

Young handsome lad. Superman-Esque body. Meet me at Metropolis.

Or have I talked to the irreplaceable Clark Nielsen personally?

Just as I was about to enter back to my dorm, I felt a tickling vibration coming from my thigh. I took out my phone and saw the familiar contact name flicker on the glass screen. Eagerly swiping right, I answered his call and placed it by my right ear.

"Shirley," His deep welcoming voice greeted me, sending shivers down my spine.

"I missed you too."


a/n: so what do you guys think of the first descriptive chapter of the story? c;

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