Chapter 26

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I watch Caleb, will and Josh play some stupid video game.

"Die" I hear will shout every so often

"Can't you guys do this upstairs" I say

"Nope this tv is bigger down here" Caleb says, I just roll my eyes

"So why aren't you on a hot date with Jacob" will snickers

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask

"Nothing it's your here watching us play games instead of being with him" Caleb shrugs

"I don't have to spend all my time with him" I glare

They all chuckle.

"What" I say growing irritated

"Just admit it Jacobs a douchebag" Josh says

"You don't know him so why don't you just shut up Josh!" I say raising my voice at him, he looks stunned and so does will and Caleb I've never raised my voice at Josh

I get up and stomp to the kitchen.

I'm fuming mad why don't they just mind there own business! yes Jacob is kind of a douchebag but that not his problem and like Josh has room to talk his girlfriend is a bitch.

"Look I'm sorry el I really am I shouldn't of said that. I'm sure he's a nice guy please forgive me" Josh comes into the kitchen

I look at him I'm still mad.

"Why don't we all go on a double date me, Jacob, you and Tiffany" I say

He looks like he wants to say no

"So you will see he's a nice guy" I say hoping he'll say yes

I want him to see I've moved on and I'm not the same girl I don't want him anymore.

"If that's what you want uh sounds good to me" he says clenching his jaw

"It's a date then" I smirk

I call Kayla after I calmed down.

"Hey girl what's up" she says

"I did something really stupid" I say

"I'm sure it can't be that stupid"

"Okay well Josh made me mad he called Jacob a douchebag" I say

"He is one" she laughs

"Not the point he can't just say that about my boyfriend so I asked him on a double date"

"You asked him on a double date" she repeats


"Yeah that was stupid" she laughs

"I know" I sigh

"You are going to have to spend the evening with Tiffany" I'm sooo stupid " and you know she's going to be rubbing it in your face that she got Josh"

"I know how bad would it be if I canceled?"

"You can't it's too late. God have mercy on your soul" she laughs

"This isn't funny" I try not to laugh

"Maybe it's a good think. you will finally show them all that your a new person"

"Your right I am a new person I'm not the same old Elena" I feel better

"But please call me after that train wreck"

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