Chapter 27

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It was happening my nightmares were coming true because I'm a idiot who can't keep her mouth shut and I'm too stubborn to back out.

"Hey so if you don't want to it's totally fine I'll understand" I say to Jacob hoping he'll say no about the double date

"No it sounds fun. Josh is cool" Jacob says as we walk to class

"Great" I fake smile


"When is it happening?" Vanessa asks me with a sad look

"Tomorrow night" I put my head on the table

"Say your sick" shay suggests

"Josh always knows when I'm lying" I sigh

"Maybe it won't be as bad as you think" Vanessa says trying to look at the bright side


"Hey" I say as I open the front door

"Hey" Caleb says as he watches tv

I sit down on the couch with him.

"So I heard your going on a double date with Tiffany and Josh?" Caleb says

"Yeah tomorrow" I nod

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Caleb sighs

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask

"You hate Tiffany she's one of the people who has been making your life miserable since elementary and then your going to see Josh and Tiffany together I mean you say your over him but it still has to be hard" 

"I am. I just need to do this to show everyone that I'm over him and Tiffany doesn't scare me anymore" I tell him

He nods " if you need me call me okay?"

"Thanks" I smile at him

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